Chapter 23

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Josephine's pov:
I arrive nice and early at the airport so I decide to get a Starbucks to pass the time. I go for a simple black coffee with ice and buy a toastie too- I'm kinda hungry as I didn't eat this morning.
It's not exactly busy in the small shop, so I get my order fairly quickly. I sit in the far corner as to be out of the way of people walking past. I don't like being recognised in public without Hero. He's usually very protective of me around fans, he knows how excited they can get sometimes, and how anxious it makes me.

I push the thought to the back of my mind and take a sip of the coffee. It's as satisfactory as I could hope for, so I pull out my phone and scroll through Instagram. I never post, but I must admit I like to be a little nosey sometimes.


As I'm waiting in the tunnel down onto the tarmac, I decide to shoot Hero a text.
I type a simple 'I love you, be home soon x'
Before returning the device to my bag.
As I step onto the plane I feel a sense of relief that I'll be back home where I belong in a matter of hours.
When I reach my seat, there's no one sitting in the space next to me, for which I am rather grateful. I get as comfortable as possible and try to get some sleep. I don't want to be tired for the entire day like usual.

Hero's Pov:
I take a deep breath before unscrewing the bottle lid. I lift it to my nose and inhale the scent one last time. Then, I tip the bottle and watch as the clear liquid splashes into the sink and swirls around the drain, until all of the vodka has disappeared.
I'm proud of myself. I can't get into habits like this. It's not good for me, and it's not good for Jo, either. I dispose of the bottle and wash my hands with maybe a little too much lavender soap. I think of how it's one of Josephine's favourite scents which brings a smile to my face.
Despite the drama from the club the other night, I'm confident in my decision to turn the girl down and remain faithful to my wife. Of course I am, I did the right thing. I just hope I never have to talk or think about it again.
I remove my phone from its charger and the first thing I see is Jo's text.
I respond, 'I love you more, see you soon baby'
And then open the photos app. Scrolling through photos of Jo and I, my mind is at ease. She looks perfect in these pictures, far better than I do.
Considering I'm a model for half of my time, I'm nowhere near as photogenic as she is.
And naturally beautiful, I just can't get enough of her. I have to say, looking at pictures of us puts me in a better mood. I find comfort in the fact she'll soon be in my arms once again, after far too long apart from each other. I've missed her more than I ever thought I would.
I just hope that plane flies damn fast and that there's no delay.
For a moment, I'm reminded of the day she fainted at the airport, and I feel genuinely quite ill. I just pray the same thing doesn't happen again, without me there to comfort her.
I try to ignore my fear as I gaze at the photo of us in Bulgaria on our last day shooting after ever happy. What a day that was. I can't wait to see her, yet, all I can do is wait.

A/N: sorry for a short chapter everyone, I hope you're enjoying the story:)
Longer chapter next , I promise
-E xx

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