Chapter 24

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Hero's Pov:
I'm totally fucked. This should be an amazing day but I know it'll be utterly shit. Josephine will be home any minute now, and for the first time I'm dreading it.
Someone whipped out there phone and filmed me with that fucking girl at the club. This is not good for me, or my career. I've already had my brother on the phone, and my agent, wondering what the fuck I was doing there with her. Of course I told them the truth, but the tabloids are tearing my reputation apart.. ripping me to shreds.
I can't bear to think what Jo will say when she sees it- if she hasn't already. My Instagram is being bombarded with new comments, dms, tagged photos.

'@ josephinelangford dump his ass. Unfaithful twat'

'Hero you cheat. Jo deserves better'

'@ hero_ft I hope you rot.'

I've lost over 50,000 followers in 24 hours, and #jodeservesbetter is fucking trending on Twitter. I can't count the amount of times I've seen that video today. It's everywhere. Just everywhere. I'm getting actual death threats from people behind a screen. I never thought something like this would happen to me. If only I didn't seem so guilty. No one will ever believe my side of the story.

Josephine's pov:
'Don't worry, Mum. I'm fine honestly! I'm used to the fans getting up close to me.'
'I know.' She sighs, 'but this time Hero wasn't there to protect you. I'm just concerned for you, Josephine.'
'Look, we'll talk about this later, I've just got home. I love you. Okay?'
'Love you too baby, talk later.' Mum says and hangs up the phone.
I put my key in the lock and turn it, pushing open the front door. I'm so excited to see Hero. It's been so long.
I hear footsteps from the kitchen and then there he is. My man, stood there in the doorway. Our eyes meet and I feel tears welling up.

Hero's Pov:
I'm shocked when she runs into my arms and kisses me instantly on the mouth. I'm partly relieved but partly broken. She doesn't know yet. She can't have seen it. I'm going to have to be here when she does, and witness first hand her reaction to it. This could never be good.
'I'm sorry I didn't call to let you know I was almost here.' She smiles, 'I got bombarded by fans and then called my Mum. She's only just let me off the phone!' She laughs gently, a sparkle in her eye.
I just can't share her energy right now. I'm too busy dreading what will come next.
'What's wrong?' She asks, picking up on my unfamiliar silent treatment.
'Nothing, it's just there's something I need to—'
'Hey.' She interrupts me, 'my phone is going crazy!'
I remain quiet, my heart pounding so loudly I'm sure she must be able to hear it. I just can't find any words to fill the silence.
'Loads of people keep sending me this link.'
'Jo just leave it. I'm sure it's nothing.. a hack or something.' I try to stop her but I know she's too curious to listen to me.
'Don't be silly, what's the worst that could happen?' With that I hear that awful sound, the tapping on her screen.
She's opened it. She's about to see it.

Josephine's pov:
My mind races with ideas of what this video could be. I hit play, and briefly look up to see a horrified look on Hero's face. When my attention lands back on the video, I see nothing but her. The girl trying to seduce my husband. Her hands on his shoulders, Hero looking incredibly drunk. The background noise is so loud I can't hear what they're saying to each other, but I don't have to imagine. I can tell by their body language it's not something I'd willingly listen to.
And then he gets up to leave.. and she's following him. The video cuts out and I turn my phone back off. Did he bring her back to the house? Did they sleep together? My heart is beating out of my chest. I can't even bare to look at him. I feel my surroundings drifting far away from my body, and then I feel nothing as I collapse to the ground.

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