Chapter 18

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Josephine's pov:
Filming has been great so far. On day one I was kind of nervous. The character I'm playing is a bit out of my comfort zone. Rachel is overly confident and openly gives herself- or her body- away.

Playing Tessa Young was much different. I found similarities between myself and the character to build on. With Rachel, it's more difficult to do. I'm not much like her in real life.
Noah makes it easier, though. He's always cracking me up in between takes to keep everything light-hearted and relaxed. We don't take each other too seriously, we just joke around a lot.

I'm now starting to get into the swing of things and really make the most of life on set in LA. I am starting to love it. And now, there's nothing holding me back, with regards to my marriage. There's no intrusive thoughts of Hero in the back of my mind when I'm trying to get into character. Now the pair of us have settled everything, I have a feeling that it'll all be okay.
I can shoot scenes without worrying about the relationship. Everything is starting to make sense again.

Sometimes when I'm kissing Noah for a scene, I wish I could just close my eyes and open them to see Hero hovering above me, rather than him. It sounds a little weird but it's the truth. No matter how mad at him I get, he's always the first and last thing I think about each day. And that's what makes kissing another guy- even acting it- so difficult to do.

Hero's Pov:
My palms are sweating and my head is spinning. And I'm not even drunk. I'm just nervous, that's the word I'll go with. What if this is a bad decision? What if nothing good comes from it? Maybe I'm overthinking this. This is what's right.

Josephine's pov:
After a long day on set, we finally get the well deserved 'that's a wrap for the day' from Roger. I'm pleased with how much we got done today in all fairness. There was some intense scenes. Not sexually intense, but emotionally and even physically.
You'd be surprised what running up and down prop stairs does to you. Noah was keeping me going on energy drinks, which I'd usually refuse to drink but today it felt like a good option, given how tiring it would've been without it.

My feet are aching from wearing heels, and my eyes sting from fake crying. In fact, they feel dry- I think I genuinely have used up all the tears I had. I ride back to the hotel with Lola, the actress playing my enemy in the movie. Ironically we've become good friends. We don't have much in common, but she is super funny to be around. She keeps me entertained during the car ride back to the hotel, despite how exhausted I am.

I'm relieved when the elevator comes down to the ground floor immediately. I hate having to wait around for them, honestly.
I step inside and press 'doors close' before anyone can join me. I let out a long sigh and try to fix my hair in the elevator's mirror but it does nothing. I look messy as ever.

I swipe my key card and walk inside, dragging my feet as I do. Long days and me shouldn't mix. I just want to sleep now. I go to the bathroom and brush through my knotty hair.

My eye makeup is still on so I reach for the makeup wipes just as my phone vibrates. I smile instantly when Hero's perfect face appears on the screen. Of course, I pick it up.

'Hey!' I say in a sing-song voice. This man somehow can change my mood in a second.
'Hello wife.' He replies in an oddly formal but jokey tone.
'How are you?' I ask, not knowing what else to say. I'm not sure why I'm nervous.
'Oh I'm great actually.' His thick british accent that I missed so much relaxes me all over despite the day I've had.

I put the phone between my ear and shoulder, keeping it there while I wash my hands. The sound of the running water is almost loud enough to mute his voice.
'Sorry, are you busy?' He asks; I haven't said anything for a moment or two.
'No it's okay.' I assure him.
'Good. Because I need to tell you how hot you look in those jeans.'

My heart stops. I spin around to look into the bedroom and my phone drops to the floor, my mouth wide open in shock. My hands are shaking. He's right there. He's sitting on the bed. He's here. In LA.

'Miss me?' He asks, and I think it's the hottest thing I have ever heard in my life.
My surprised expression is replaced by the biggest fucking smile, and I run into his open arms.
'Like you can't imagine.' I reply, my eyes welling up. I can't believe this.
Things like this remind me why I love him. He always knows what I need to be happy, and this  time it was just him- only him.

A/N: heyyyyy!! So here's the updated version of chapter 18. I hope you like it. A few of you predicted he'd come to
LA!! XD. Funny thing is I already had it planned to happen, and I read your comments and was like yesss you'll get what you want hahah <3
Thanks for reading and voting
-E x

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