Chapter 20

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Hero's Pov:
Why was he even brought into this? I really don't understand Jo sometimes. As much as I love her, of course.
'Do you not think I trust you or something?' I ask, trying to keep my tone calm as to not start an argument in the middle of a public place.
'No of course I do, Hero.' She hangs her head.
'Look, nothing's going on, okay. I know it may seem that way given the fact I brought it up, but it was just word vomit.'

Her speech is rushed and I can tell she is only nervous. I know my Jo. She wouldn't do all the things my mind has been telling me she would. To be honest, I think we've both been thinking too far into this.
I clear my throat.

'This is my fault. We should have normalised you working on a project with another guy from day one. It was me who made you feel guilty. And I shouldn't have gone off on one about it either.'
She looks a little puzzled but then her eyes meet mine and I can feel the tension between us dissolving.
'Let's just forget all this bullshit and enjoy the time we have together.' She suggests, with that familiar smile. I return it and we eat in silence for a few minutes.

Josephine's pov:
I'm taking a bite of my food when I'm met face to face with Hero's phone camera.
'Look who's here then guys.' He exclaims,, with a grin. I wave and giggle,, wiping my mouth to ensure there are no crumbs on my face.
I see him tapping away at his keyboard before putting the phone back down on the table.
'Instagram story?' I ask, before sipping my drink.
'You know it.' He replies which yet another smirk. Hero and I have both been more into social media this past year than before. It's just a nice way to connect with fans and let them know we're still very much together. I never thought the after fandom would still be what it is today.
On that note, I decide to snap a cute pic of Hero and caption it 'look who vistited me on set' before posting it to my story as well.
Immediately my DMs are flooded with hearts and positive messages. We really are lucky to have the support we do.
Hero and I finish our meals and he pays the bill even after I insist on paying half.

'So back to the hotel?' I ask.
'You bet.' He smiles back,, taking my hand as we exit the restaurant.
My heart beats faster as he squeezes my hand on the walk back to my room.
My skin feels warm just from this simple light touch.

Hero's Pov:
Once we're back in Jo's room, i remove my jacket and sit down on the bed. She takes a brush and pulls it through her hair, insistent on the fact the light breeze has 'wrecked it'.
I can't help but stare at her, mesmerised by her beauty.
'What?' She asks with a giggle, snapping me out of my daydream.
'Just you.'
'What about me?'
'You're stunning.' I confess, burying my face in the pillows, as if i haven't told her this app before.
I can just sense she is blushing. Then I feel a warmth next to me on the bed and i look up to see her next to me, smiling and perfect.
I lean into her,, taking in every emotion I feel as we kiss. I love this woman, so very much.

Author's note: So here I am, been a while!! I'm sorry for leaving the story unfinished. I have about 5 chapters left planned. Would you like me to continue the story??
Sorry for the short chapter. It will get better.. I promise.
-E xx

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