Chapter 1

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Recap of book 1:
Hero and Josephine have dated since the filming of after. 4 years on from that, all 4 of Anna Todd's after books had been released as very successful movies. Josephine had some embedded insecurities about Hero's love for her. It stemmed from believing he fell in love with her character, rather than her true self. But the pair overcame these troubles after some tough time apart, and ended up getting engaged.

But what will come next..?

Hero's pov:
'I do.' She says, a single tear rolling down her cheek.
'I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss your bride.'
My heart ignites as she throws herself into my arms, kissing me like it's the first time all over again. I hold her waist and take in every moment. Every emotion and every thought. This amazing woman is my wife. My wife. Goddamn. I gaze into her eyes as we separate, barely breathing, fully enticed in her beauty. She still makes me nervous years after we've met. 'I love you.' I whisper. She smiles, wiping a tear from the corner of her eye before it falls.
'I love you Hero.'
I take her hand in mine and we walk down the aisle, absorbing every smile from our family around us, allowing every cheer to echo in our ears and letting every tear shed warm our hearts even more.

I could not have asked for a better wedding day. It was a whole thing, as Jo would say. It just felt right to get married beside the beach, after all, we were at a beach when I proposed.
Maybe not a beach as breathtaking as the one we're staying next to here in the Maldives, but the sentimentality is still there. I know Josephine has always wanted to come here since she was a child, so it just seemed like the perfect place to get married.

When we reach the dance floor situated beneath a large tent outside the hotel complex, I take her hand in mine and we begin to dance, slowly with the music. She rests her head on my shoulder and I smile relentlessly. She brings her body closer to mine so we're gently pressed together. She feels so warm, and she looks so perfect today. But then again, she looks perfect every day, and doesn't even have to try.


Josephine's pov:
I can't believe I'm finally married.. and to Hero! He really is the love of my life. And I know, I just know that nothing will tear us apart. We've been through hell together already, and despite all my flaws he loves me for who I am. I can't believe I got married in white flats! Well, we are in the Maldives after all. There was no way we could have gotten married anywhere near our home, someone would have found out the location and the press would have been all over it. We wanted it to be a special day, the best of our lives in fact, and so far it is living up to be just that. We wanted a small but perfectly romantic and beautiful wedding. We only have close family members here, with the exception of the hotel staff who so kindly let us have the wedding here. The Maldives is everything I expected it to be and more. The white sand beach and gorgeous ocean view is pure bliss. The water is so clear you can see everything beneath you as you look down at the sandy floor. It's warm like a bath in the evenings after a full day being heated by the blazing sun above us, and perfect for skinny dipping.. but what else happened? A lady never tells!

I'm thankful for my choice of shoes as we walk a short way down the beach to return to our room. Hero removes his dress shoes and carries them in one hand by his side, the other hand locked with mine. We decided to have the wedding in the evening, so the sun's heat wouldn't be as harsh. This way we could still dress for a proper wedding, but Hero removed his suit jacket as soon as the reception was over. Yet, he still looks smart and sexy as ever wearing his white button down shirt, bow tie, and black tailored dress pants. We do look over dressed to be at the beach! But I'm thankful to be here, however out of place we look. Everyone here has been so welcoming and friendly. My dress cuts off just above the ankle- a dress any longer wouldn't have mixed well with sandy beaches. It's modest and doesn't show any cleavage, but it has a figure-hugging shape that accentuates my curves in the way I like it, and flows outward at just the right point. I didn't need much more encouragement to buy it after my mum cried her eyes out seeing me in it for the first time. Also, Hero had to pick his jaw up off the floor when she saw me walking down the aisle, which sounds heavily cocky, yet he admitted it to me, himself. He always knows how to make me feel adored and confident. I never thought I'd meet a guy who worshipped the ground I walk on, but he truly does. I will never understand how I was lucky enough to meet someone like him. Let alone be his wife. Wow, wife. I think I like that word.

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