Chapter 10

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One month later..

Hero's Pov:
So Jo got the part! Not that it's much of a surprise to me. She's a phenomenal actress and they'd offered her the role before even seeing her audition. Of course the screen test went perfectly. Her and Noah 'have great chemistry' according to the director and casting director. Oh, and the damn producer too. She's so happy though, and I am too, deep down. I'm just not looking forward to being alone for a month or so while she's miles away filming steamy scenes with him. After all, a romance movie is what brought us together in the first place.

She's been on the phone to her agent for about an hour, and the hour before that was spent talking to the producer, who literally seems to love her. Did I mention the movie is called 'room service' , and Jo plays the sexy cleaner, so you can kind of guess what's gonna happen there. The whole thing is so cliché, but apparently the story is good, according to my wife.

'Sorry I took so long!' She exclaims as she enters the bedroom, pocketing her mobile.
'No worries, baby.' I respond, patting the spot next to me on the bed. She hops up and snuggles into the crook of my neck.
'I'll miss you, you know.' She tells me, taking the words out of my mouth. It's seriously like she can read my thoughts.
'I.. I'll miss you so much.' I stutter. What has gotten into me lately?
'She notices the emotion in my tone and caresses my cheek with her small hand. She rubs circles on my skin and the action is actually more comforting than I'd expected.
'We can call every night.'
'Time difference' i reply flatly. She frowns.
'We'll find a way. It's us.' She responds which causes the corners of my lips to tug, threatening a smile. 'Come on, you know you want to' she says, tickling me under the chin like I'm her literal baby- I know, ironic given how often we used the name- and I allow myself to laugh with her.
'Anyway,' she continues, 'nothing could beat the fake sex we had in the after movies.'
I frown just at the thought of her intimate scenes with Noah freaking Centineo. I'm sure he's a nice guy and everything, but do I want him almost naked with my wife? Not so much.
'Oh lighten up, I'm just kidding.' She tells me, and I kiss her cheek gently.
'Well what you said is true, that wasn't a joke.' I cockily remark, and I find myself thinking back to the first ever sex scene we filmed for the first movie..

'Are you sure?' I ask, in my best respectful and caring Hardin voice. It's difficult being a jerk one minute and a kind and considerate guy the next. I guess that's just the complexity of Hardin's character. It's certainly fun to play. Especially these scenes with my on and offscreen girlfriend.
I fumble under the sheets, mimicking the action of putting on a condom. There's a cushion between our bodies down there, so our skin isn't actually touching. But, obviously I'm shirtless and have only shorts on, while Jo has a very small stick on bra, barely covering her full breasts at all. Of course, the audience is meant to believe Tessa is topless, so it makes sense. I start to 'thrust' into her and by her I mean the pillow, and I fight with my own hormones to stop the flow of blood to my dick. 'Don't get hard, do not get hard' I repeat over and over in my head.
'Jo, remember this is your first time.' Anna jokes with her between takes, 'let's see it on your face!'
We both laugh, still pressed together in this bed as we wait to hear action again.


When we finish filming, the crew start packing up the equipment and myself and Jo grab our waters while we finally have a break. 'Good work.' She remarks with a grin, and my expression matches hers.
'I'll fuck you for real tonight, perhaps.'
She chokes on her water and swats at my arm, but I just laugh at her. Funny thing is, I wasn't even joking.

'Okay so maybe it was quite fun filming those scenes together.' She admits, and I chuckle, pulling her onto my lap.
'More than quite fun.' I wink, and she just rolls her eyes but smiles all the same.
'Of course, Herophine beats Hessa any day.'
I add, earning genuine laughter from her.
'I don't think I've ever heard you use those terms.' She giggles, leaning forward to bury her face in my shoulder while she gets over her laughing fit.
'Josephine Fiennes Tiffin, it is not that funny.'
'Trust me, it really is.' She says, poking my chest.
'Well,' I begin, groping one of her breasts through the material of her top, 'If you're gonna be in love with Centineo in a months time, I may as well leave you with good memories.'
'That is the worst way you could have asked me for sex.'
'I know, but you won't turn me down.' I say knowingly. And I'm right, as she presses her lips to mine, instantly tugging at my t shirt.
'Never say that again. I'm in love with you. Only you, Hero.'

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