Chapter 19

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Josephine's pov:
'You travelled so far!' I gush, gripping his neck as if I'm clinging on for dear life. I think it's because I can't quite comprehend the fact he came all this way.. for me.
'I'd fly from London to Australia for you, baby.' He winks and I laugh.
'Oh, wait' he puts a hand over his heart with a fake shocked expression, 'I've already done that!' He exclaims. I swat his arm but am so happy to have my playful Hero back, and even better.. in LA. Here. With me!

Hero's Pov:
I could be a million miles away from Australia, and still feel at home with Jo in my arms. Honestly, she is my home- she makes me feel safe, and calm. Well, that along with all the other emotions I feel when I'm with her.
I feel as though all the problems we've faced recently have been dissolved just by our skin on skin contact. It's like nothing has changed. We're always stronger together.

'As much as I'd like to sit here and watch you play with my hair and touch my abs, you got anything you wanna do?' I smirk.
She pulls her hands away from my body and her cheeks flush red.
'I didn't even realise.' She giggles.
'Well, those hands do have a mind of their own.'
She rolls her eyes but smiles.

'Don't worry, I like it.' I assure her, taking her small hands in mine and placing them back on my skin, underneath my t-shirt.
She leans in, and I feel such a sense of relief when she kisses me. I know she wouldn't do it unless she was completely willing to forgive me for recent events.
Then she pulls away.

'I suppose we should do something other than sex while we have some time together.' She says, but her actions speak otherwise as she moves her hands dangerously close to the crotch of my trousers.
'Yep, we should!' I declare, jumping up from where I'm sitting.
She laughs silently but I notice it. It's the best feeling being back to our old selves.

'Wanna go get something to eat? It's not too late yet.'
'Sure. Anything you want.' I agree with a smile.


Me and Jo decide on a pretty simple bar & grill. Neither of us are keen on going somewhere fancy, since the main thing is having a face to face talk for the first time in ages!
Besides, most places are fully booked anyway.

It's like she's got a new energy source since she found me in her hotel room. She was so tired, having worked hard as usual doing what she loves. Yet, here she is with the biggest smile on her face, doing everything she can to put me before herself. That's my girl.

Not that I deserve the affection I'm getting. I've been a real dick in recent months- I'm lucky to even be here. I was half expecting her never to come home. But those were the worst days. But I've vowed not to drink. I won't ruin what we have.. or rather, what we're rekindling.


Josephine's pov:
The service is so fast, and Hero and I get our meals within 20 minutes of being here. To be honest, it feels nice to have a break from the cast. As much as I love spending time with them all, it's all I've been doing at the moment. Seeing Hero is just what I need.

'How's the burger?' I ask, my mouth watering at the sight of it.
'Pretty decent,' he smirks, 'want a bite?'
He laughs, knowing full well I'm watching what I eat.

'Of course I want a bite, Hero!' I whine. 'Doesn't mean I can have one though.' I add.
He shakes his head in disbelief before taking a bite himself.
'You're stunning.' He mutters.
I smile to myself until our eyes meet and we giggle like school children.

It's the nicest feeling just talking and laughing with my husband like this. It reminds me of simpler times. Back when we'd sneak out on dates during the filming process for after we collided, or when Hero followed me into my hotel room without me realising.
I'll never forgive him for jumping out at me that day, the little shit.

'How's filming going?' He asks before taking a swig from his bottle.
'Actually better than I expected.' I admit, feeling my cheeks turning red as I try to hide behind my glass.
'Don't be shy, baby.' He says in a low voice.
'I just.. I..'
I look down and can't finish my sentence.
'You don't need to feel guilty, Jo. I was being a dick before.' He assures me.
'Me and Noah are just good friends. You know that, right?' I ask, without thinking.
'Uh.. yeah obviously.' He scratches the back of his neck.
When did this get so awkward?

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