Chapter 2

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Josephine's pov;
After a short walk down an empty part of the beach, we arrive at our luxury room. It's more of a cabin, but part of the hotel's site all the same. It's got a large open bedroom, an en-suite bathroom and an extra smaller room with a seating area and TV. We have a small fridge, too. However, we don't really store anything in there. Hero and I have been eating in restaurants a lot, trying to get as much out of this vacation and wedding as we possibly can.
Everything I've had here has tasted exquisite. I'm not used to such fancy dishes in Australia, but they also have a wide range of foods that we're both familiar with. All our needs are catered for. The beach is right on our doorstep, plus we have a pool around the back too. The view is breathtaking from any angle. As I look out to the calm ocean, I think back to 4 days ago when we first arrived here..

'Jo, come on.. get out here!' He yells from the bedroom.
'No.. it looks stupid!' I shout back, involuntarily pouting and knowing he can picture my very expression right now.
'You could never look stupid.'
And then my heart starts to melt but I must stand my ground. I really hate this swimsuit. It's brand new, I got it as a gift from the hotel staff, they gave us both a hamper of goodies on arrival- so thoughtful. It's really not my style. It's off the shoulder and has frills on it. FRILLS! There's a section beneath my bust cut out across my torso. Which would look good if I had have stuck to my diet before coming here. I guess it's an okay colour, but I don't think it really suits me. Reluctantly I reach for the bathroom's door handle and yank it open. I stand still in my spot with my arms wrapped around me to try and hide how much skin I have showing. Not to mention the ridiculous neck line.. well, shoulder line. Hero giggles a little. 'See! You hate it!' I half yell and half whine in protest. 'No.. no baby of course I don't!' I cross my arms and look away, shamelessly acting like a child.
'It's just funny how you're trying to cover yourself up.. in front of me!' He bursts out laughing again and I start to see his point.
'Okay.' I sigh in defeat, 'but I still hate it!'
He walks towards me and embraces me in his arms. 'Well, I think you look sexy,' he states, making me blush and finally smile again. 'And besides, you won't be wearing it for long.' He whispers and winks at me. My heart starts to pound as his hand starts at my chest and makes its way down. He slips a finger into the material through the gap across my abdomen, then stops and pulls it back out. I whimper from frustration. He just laughs again and leads me outside to the pool.

I smile at the sweet memory and turn on the air con. When I turn around Hero has already removed his tie and unbuttoned his shirt half way down. 'Damn.. I liked that shirt on you.' I shyly admit as he smiles in response.
'Well you don't look so bad yourself today, baby.' He says in a low voice, catching my attention right away. 'Help me out of it?' I ask, nervously. I don't know why I'm so nervous around him after all these years. He still gives me butterflies every time he touches me, or even just walks into a room. He stands behind me and puts his hands on my waist, before leaning forward to breathe heavily on my neck, making me shiver. His hands move to my upper back, taking the zipper between his fingers and carefully pulling it down, releasing me from the white lacy material. I shimmy out of it and step out, leaving me in my nude coloured strapless bra and cream underwear.
He spins me around to face him and moves his hands to my stomach, rubbing up and down before doing the same to my waist and hips. I feel my skin warming under his heavenly touch. All my muscles tense but relax at the same time.. somehow. I don't even know how to describe it. I finish unbuttoning his shirt for him, and pull it off in one swift motion, taking in the attractive man stood before me who is my husband. I note his toned body and even harder abs. He's clearly been sticking to his diet recently more than I have. 'Staring much?' He asks with a devilish grin, noticing my eyes glued to his shirtless body. I look up at him, embarrassed but turned on all at once. I run my fingertips over his abs, feeling his familiar shape as I keep our eyes connected. He looks just so damn perfect right now. As if he doesn't all the time. But today feels different. I know now that he is mine, forever. We connected on a new level today. We committed to one another. A promise I know we will continue to value and keep as long as we live. For once I feel no fear, no anxiety, only desire, passion, and a love I could never feel for anyone else.

Hero's Pov;
I gaze into those gorgeous eyes and know I could do this for hours. Finally I made this woman my wife. How did it take me so long? She is all I've ever wanted. The momentary pause between us breaks at last as she smashes her lips against mine. The kiss is intense but somehow soft, and passionate as it always is. Her tongue grazes against mine and as I press my thumb down between her thighs she lets out a soft moan. She pulls us both towards the bed and we plop down on the thick, soft mattress. I continue to kiss her until I pull away to hover above her face. She is glowing right now, literally glowing. I don't think I'll ever understand how beautiful she is.
'I love you, Josephine Fiennes Tiffin.'
'Say It again.' She whispers, an undeniable smile taking over her face entirely.
'Josephine, Fiennes, Tiffin.' I repeat slowly to her, cupping her face in my hands.
'Damn I love that.' She says before reconnecting our lips and wrapping her arms around me. God, my wife is hot.

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