Chapter 21

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Hero's Pov:
'Come on guys, no. I've told you once.'
'Come on Hero it's a few drinks.' Dean nags me, becoming more impatient as time goes on.
This is why I miss my mates back in London. Felix, Morgz, Ham. They'd never make me do shit I didn't want to. I'm starting to get angry now.
I've been back home in Perth for a few days now, and I miss Jo like hell. We had such a nice time together when I visited her in LA. I just can't wait for her to be home.
Dean and Charlie continue to try and persuade me to go out with them but I'm not budging. I just want to sit here and watch some shit show to take my mind off of how much I miss my wife.
'Just an hour. You'll be back here by 10.' Charlie says, arms folded.
I begin to think that maybe I should go out. It's a good enough distraction. And I'm sure Jo would want me to have fun.
'Fine. No more than an hour.' I reply firmly, grabbing my keys and phone before heading to the front door to put my air forces on.

Josephine's pov:
I turn the shower off and wrap the cloth around my body as I step out onto the tile floor. The room is steamy and I can only just see to grab my phone off the side.
Great, the speaker will be fucked.
I open the window to allow some air in the room and pad through to the bedroom where I throw myself on the mattress. I miss Hero already. If only he were here, we could— no, stop Jo. You'll see him soon enough.
I dry off and pull some comfortable clothes on.
Then I open my phone and find my conversation thread with Hero. I smile at our last conversation before typing a new message:
Hey baby,, missing you already!
There's no instant response so I set the phone aside and comb through my damp hair.


An hour passes and then two. And still Hero hasn't answered my text. I guess he's just busy right now. I lean back on the pillow and find myself drifting off to sleep.

Hero's Pov:
'No thanks, mate.' I tell the bartender when he tries to refill my glass. I've only had a few and I plan to keep it that way.
Dean is smashed and it's not even that late. We lost Charlie to the dance floor about 20 minutes ago and I haven't seen him since. He's probably just trying to get laid. As much as I love those guys, they'll never get serious relationships if all they care about is sex and partying. I learnt that early on in my teenage years. In fact at that age, I remind myself of my good friend Hardin Scott.
Dean stumbles over to me with some tall brunette hanging on his arm.
'Where's my drink?' He slurs. I hand him the glass and look away, hoping he'll just fuck off. I want to go home.
The girl is taller than him and looks older, to the point she makes him seem about 14 years of age. Dean reaches a hand behind her back and gropes her ass- hard.
Honestly, the guy has no manners.
But she doesn't seem to mind his forward behaviour, as she leans forward and kisses him hard. I can see their tongues flying everywhere. He stumbles back and sits on a seat at the bar. Probably because of the height difference.
Then she's straddling his lap. The girl basically ends up dry humping him and I feel as though I'm watching a soft porno. Then I feel physically sick. Dean pulls the front of her dress down and exposes her full breast. The girl is so drunk she fails to notice. He drops his head down to that height and sucks on her nipple. Why the fuck am I still watching this?
I turn away on my seat.
From behind me I hear a voice, 'take it outside.'
Then some cursing and the sound of doors closing. Finally he's gone. It embarrasses me being out with him, honestly.
I down the last of my drink and prepare to leave. But as I rise to my feet, I'm face to face with some blonde I don't recognise.
'Excuse me?' I ask, gesturing for her to let me past.
'You're hot.' She says, flicking her tongue between her teeth. Oh, god. Why me?
'Sorry, I don't have time for this.' I try to keep my cool. I feel a displeasing warmth caress my cheek and I remove her hand and drop it at her side. She frowns and refuses to move.
I'm beginning to lose my patience with her.
'Sorry love.' I say, flashing my ring in her face. Then I swerve around her and make my way to the exit.
I walk quickly outside and take in a breath of fresh air. Then I sense I'm not alone and find the girl behind me. Seriously, I'm being followed now?
'Look, just fuck off! I'm married.. I'm not interested! Goddamn it!' I yell. Then I storm away and find myself running all the way home.

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