Chapter 14

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Josephine's pov:
Travelling and time difference always fascinates me. I left Perth at 1pm, and arrived here in LA at 3:30pm the day before that. It's just so weird to wrap your head around!

When I arrive at the hotel, I'm just amazed by how luxurious it is. The lobby is huge, and open-plan. The long marble desk is nice to look at, and the staff all seem welcoming and genuine people. I roll my suitcase along behind me to check in. I decide to take the elevator, I can't bare much more walking- I'm more tired than I thought I'd be.

My room is more than I expected. The bed looks nicer than mine and Hero's at home! I smile at the thought of Hero's beloved phrase, 'the better the bed, the better the sex.'
It's just a shame he's not here with me to put this bed to good use.
The en-suite bathroom has a sparkling clean shower, and a large, blurred window. It's really a lot nicer than I'm used to when at a hotel. But I guess it's LA?

I whip out my phone and shoot Hero a text but he doesn't respond. I almost regret it, counting forward the hours to calculate that it's 6:30am the next day, his time. But then I recall his forceful request that I let him know I'm here safely. I flick through the channels on my TV, until I find something decent enough to sit and watch.
I wish Hero would wake up so we can talk properly about what happened before I came here. We never got to discuss it properly. Or at least, I didn't. Not the way I wanted to.


A few movies later and I can barely keep my eyes open. I let them close for a moment, and nestle my head into the overly-comforting pillows. Of course, before I know it, I'm drifting into a much needed sleep.

Hero's Pov:
When I wake, my first instinct is to talk to Josephine. I haven't heard from her yet. Then again, I've been asleep for I'm not sure how long. It's like I've hibernated and forgotten what I left behind. The mess I left behind. I'm not really sure where we stand. She seemed far too forgiving on the phone. There's got to be more of the conversation to be had out.

When I unlock my phone I read her text from earlier this morning. It's now 9am, and I do the maths in my head to work out it's 6pm in LA.
I compose and send at least 10 text messages, each with no response. I hate being so far away from her. I've never felt so distanced from Jo before. Not even way back when I was still living in London and she was here in Perth without me. I tell myself she must have fallen asleep from jet lag, and try to get on with my day while thinking about her as little as possible.

Josephine's pov:
When I finally stir from my nap-turned-to-slumber, I'm shocked that it's somehow 6 in the morning. I really slept that long? Fuck, Hero. I hate to think what's going through his mind right now. He'll no doubt be suspecting the worst, since we haven't talked in over 12 hours.

Having slept for so long, I do feel a little more refreshed, and I start unpacking my case while trying to think of what to say to Hero. It seems so wrong having serious talks with him over the phone. I just wish I could see him. But he's so far away. I'm not used to being apart from him like this.

After pulling on some fresh clothes for the day, I brush my teeth and scrape my hair up, not bothering with any makeup. I find his number and stare at the adorable picture I have saved as his contact for a few seconds, before hitting 'call.'

He answers on the second ring and my heart jumps a little. I'm nervous somehow, nervous to talk to my husband.
'Hey.' I almost whisper.
'Josephine?' He slurs.

Oh, brilliant.

I can barely hear his voice over the loud background noise on his end. There's shouting, singing.. or maybe chanting. I'm not even sure. It's just an awful racket that's drowning out his- usually- perfect voice.

'Hero, what are.. where are you?'
'I'm out with my mates.' He replies in a slow, low pitched voice, which in any other circumstance would be highly sexy. Right now however, is not that time. His tone makes it seem like an obvious answer to a stupid question.
'Which mates, baby?' I ask, maybe sounding a little too concerned or controlling.
'What does it matter, baby?' He asks, the last word in a mocking tone.
'Because you're drunk Hero. Very drunk by the sounds of it.'
He scoffs.
'Well Jo, my mates are in London. So of course I needed to make some new ones to go.. drinking to have drinks with.' He stumbles over his words, making hardly any sense, only proving my point about his current intoxication.
'Yeah and being away from those mates is such an awful thing, right?' I ask, growing more impatient with him.
'It is when you act like this over me having one.. a few drinks.' He slurs once again.

I've had enough of him. I won't waste another second on his drunken attitude. What happened to my gentle, loving man who always put me first? I hang up the call and immediately switch my phone off completely. He won't wreck this opportunity for me. I need to enjoy my time here for all it's worth. Even if, for now, that means avoiding him altogether.

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