Chapter 16

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A/N: I just thought I'd add this in here,, no hate intended on Noah Centineo. I adore him and don't see him as a bad person at all. Just thought he was the best actor to use for the story.
Thanks! xx

Hero's Pov:
I roll out of bed at 10am, shocking myself at how early this is for me. All I've done is lay in bed since what happened with Jo. It's been two days and she hasn't returned any of my texts. If anything, I'm starting to get worried. She's never gone this long without at least one call or text.

I try her number for the 1000th time, unsurprised by the fact she declines. Goddamn it, Jo. It's 7pm in LA, it's not like she's sleeping. I'm so pathetic that I even set one of the clocks in the house to her time so I don't have to do the mental maths every time I want to try and contact her.

I didn't think I'd be missing her so much. I feel so empty when she's not around. I guess that's why I went out the other night- to have some company. It was never my intention to get that pissed. Although I keep thinking, had I have just stayed home by myself, this wouldn't be happening. My wife wouldn't be distancing herself even further from me than she is already. I wouldn't be laying here sulking over it, and I would be happy.

Josephine's pov:
'Nice big smiles!' Rita exclaims, pointing her phone's camera at Noah and I. I feel a shiver run down my spine as he places his large hand on my side, just above my waist. The sensation from his touch feels so unfamiliar, so unlike Hero's yet so.. comforting. I can't really explain it. I've only just met Noah and it feels like we're going to get on so well. I hear the camera click a number of times, Noah and I changing up our position every few seconds. He does his signature smile showing all those white teeth, which makes me giggle. I'm sure Rita has captured my natural laughter, so I guess the pictures will look good and real.. right?

I know the posts will go up soon. And I know Hero will see them. I just hope he doesn't over-analyse them. They're just promotional pictures for the movie. So why do I feel so guilty about it? 'These look great guys.' Rita says with a smile. She's been taking such pride in running the room service Instagram account; there was no way I could've refused having my photo taken.

After all, I am starring in this movie. The fans will start complaining if they don't get content soon. I learnt that the hard way when we filmed after we fell. Ah, the memories.
I can feel my anxiety building as Rita taps away on her keyboard, preparing the caption under the Instagram post.

'You okay?'
I physically jump from Noah's sudden presence.
'Sorry I didn't mean to scare you.' He says quietly.
'No, no it's alright. Just wasn't expecting it.' I smile, shaking my previous thoughts from my mind.
'Are you okay?- you look kinda pale.'
'I'm fine.' I lie. He seems to believe my false response as we leave the restaurant together, making small talk about filming that starts in a few days time.

Hero's Pov:
I'm on the brink of falling back to sleep when my phone vibrates. I bolt up off the bed to grab my phone from the dresser. My heart sinks when there's no text from Josephine. How long is she going to ignore me like this?

I thought this was bad, but it doesn't compare to the knife I feel puncture my heart at the sight of my Instagram feed as soon as I've pulled open the app. Why?.. why did I think it was a good idea to set post notifications for room service?

The very first post I see may as well have been a fucking break up text from Jo. That's how it feels anyway. That would be the only scenario that could possibly make me feel as shit as I do right now.

I torture myself further, zooming in on that dick's hand placement on my fucking wife. So while I've been texting and calling her non-stop to apologise, she's been to busy to reply. And what was she doing? Taking cosy pictures with Noah Centineo.

I'm not even in control of my actions when something triggers me to tap on the comment section. I've never stalked fan's comments on socials before.. ever. So why am I doing it now? Why do I care so much? In fact, I'm never even on Instagram. And this is one of the damn reasons.

My blood boils at the sight of some of these comments under the photos of my girl and him.
'Kind of ship these two can't lie'
What the fuck?
'The chemistry is already there what the heck.'
Okay these guys are clearly fucked in the head.

It takes all my mental strength not to smash this bedroom to pieces. I am the one who had chemistry with her from day one. Me!
And fuck me, do i sound pathetic. But frankly I couldn't care less.
I take in the sea of comments flooding in that have tagged me underneath the post. At least I still have some loyal fans.
'@hero_ft unlucky mate'
Okay, maybe not then..
'@hero_ft he's come to steal yo girl!'
'Fuck!' I scream aloud, as my phone is hurled at the wall in front of me, likely cracking in the process.

I'm done with this. I am so done, now.
I retrieve my thankfully still-useable phone and send a blunt text to the group chat, before grabbing my wallet and getting the fuck out of here. I need to leave before I break something. I can't be in that bedroom right now. I need to be somewhere else, doing something.. anything. Just to feel better, I tell myself. Even if it means getting so drunk I no longer feel a thing.

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