Chapter 13

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Josephine's pov:
I'm starting to feel a little guilty now. Maybe I should just hear him out? Was I too harsh? I push the thoughts to the back of my mind as I pull my suitcase up the steps onto the aeroplane. I flash my boarding pass and smile at the stewardess before finding my allocated seat. Luckily, I have the aisle seat so I'm not sandwiched between two people. That's one of the worst things about planes.. you never know who you'll be sitting with.

There's a woman next to me with a young child, who will likely be on her lap for most of this journey judging by how clingy he is to her. She seems decent enough but I don't really feel like socialising. Seeing the little kid just makes me remember how much I want children. I can't believe I sprung it on Hero the way I did.

With the thought of Hero fresh in my mind, I decide I have to call him. It would be wrong to just fly off to America without at least talking to him about our argument. Being on the flight by myself only makes me wish he were here to squeeze my hand the way he always does. The way he strokes my hair until I close my eyes and fall asleep.

Before I can change my mind, I hit the call button and wait patiently.

Hero's Pov:
The noise of my ringtone wakes me from my nap. I thought sleeping would help clear my head but my dreams were cluttered with Josephine, Jo and more Jo. I reach for my phone and slide my finger across the screen.
'Hey.' I answer it in an almost whisper. I'm nervous after the stunt I pulled last night.
'Hi Hero.' She says, just as quietly.
'Baby I am so sorry about how I acted , it was—'
'Don't. You don't have to. I know you didn't mean to.. I know you didn't want to upset me.' She interrupts, much to my surprise.
'You're not mad?'
'Oh no, I'm mad alright!' She laughs, and a smile appears on my face at the thought of hers. I'd be more concerned if she wasn't angry.
'But I don't want to talk about that now,' she continues, 'We'll be taking off soon so I don't have much time.'
'Got to the airport okay then?' I ask, quite flat-toned.
'Yeah, sorry.. I probably should have texted.' She mumbles.
'It's alright.' I respond, sounding cheerier than I feel.

'I'm sorry I stormed out and left. I should've at least said goodbye. Even if you were a bit of a.. dick.' She whispers the last word which makes me chuckle. Classic Jo, always considerate of those around her. She wouldn't want to be heard cursing in public. That's my girl.
'Don't worry about it. That whole thing was on me.' I say, truthfully. I was in the wrong, and it would make me even more of a prick to try and deny that.

She means the world to me and I'm not about to lose her over something as small as this.
'I'm not sure what time I'll get there, but I'll try and call you.. if you're not asleep.' She says, sounding a little rushed. They're probably leaving soon.
'I don't give a fuck what time it is, you'll call me when you get there.' I demand, sounding a little too instructive but it's only because I care.
'Yes, sir.' She says mockingly, and we both laugh.
'I miss you already.' I blubber down the phone. It's true. I'm a mess without her, I mean the house is already a right state.
'I'll miss you too, Hero.' She gushes.
We exchange I love yous and then hang up.

I go downstairs and start to clear some of the mess from the living room. I ended up trashing that too in my dit of rage last night. I've sorted the bedroom.. mostly. But it'll never be as tidy as it is when Jo cleans it. She has some kind of super power in cleaning, I swear it.

I decide to make some lunch and try to relax the best I can and act like I'm doing just fine. Jo will call you when she's there, I tell myself over and over.
I hope this month goes quickly. I'm not sure how well I'll cope without her.

A/N: I'm so sorry about a really short chapter. They will get longer I promise!! Hope you're enjoying the story so far xx

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