Chapter 26

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A/N: we've arrived at the final chapter. Brace yourselves..

Hero's Pov:
It takes every last inch of my will power not to head out to the store and buy as much alcohol as I need to drown out this feeling. But I don't. I can't. I have to be strong and I have to do this not only for myself but for Jo too. She needs me to be here. And I need her. I need her to hear my side of the story. Suddenly I hear an awful retching sound mixed with cries. I get up the stairs as fast as I can and pound my fist on the door in desperation. 'Jo!' I call her name but she doesn't respond. 'Are you okay?' I try again with no luck. I can hear a faint voice, like she's on the phone to someone. But I can't make out the words. It's as though she's talking extra quietly to avoid me hearing the conversation. Then I almost fall into the room as the door is opened. She wipes her eyes and walks silently past me into the bedroom.
My heart drops when she begins packing a bag, a large bag full of her clothes and belongings.
For the next 5 minutes, she doesn't speak a word to me, nothing at all. She's silent. No matter how much I fall at her feet and cry, and wrap my arms round her waist and bury my face in her stomach. She's made her decision. She's leaving me. That familiar ache sets in and my body feels limp. As she exits the room and I hear her light footsteps down the stairs, something inside stops me from getting up off the bed. No matter how hard I try, I can't follow her. I am stuck here. The front door slams shut and I hear a car drive away. That's it. It's too late.

Josephine's pov:
Hero crying for me to stay breaks my heart, but I have to put myself first. I need some time to clear my head and that won't happen if I'm in the same house as him, let alone in the same room. I grip the steering wheel hard and ignore the numerous texts from my Mum. I wasn't very detailed on the phone. I just told her I was on my way there. I couldn't bare to tell her about Hero. I would've broken down again. This is a conversation I need to have with her face to face.

The familiar house makes me feel ever so slightly less destroyed. At least I'll be comfortable here, and have someone to talk to about my problems. Before I can say a word, the door opens and my mum embraces me. It takes everything not to cry again. I don't want to appear weak. I'm a grown woman now. I'm getting too old for all this drama.

'I'll put the kettle on.' She tells me, and I follow her into the kitchen.
'Go and sit down, love. I'll be through in a minute or two.' I obey her and head into the lounge where I curl up in the corner with a cushion. I have to admit it is nice to be back home. Well, my old home. Moments later my Mum appears in the doorway with a tray of cups of coffee, and a plate with a small pile of my favourite cookies on.
'I like to keep some for when you visit.' She beams, and I smile for the first time in hours.
'I take it you've had an argument with Hero? He'd usually be the first one here to have some of these cookies.' She speaks again, since I still haven't said anything to her.
I smile briefly at the thought of Hero and my Mum chatting over a 'cuppa' as he would call it and him stealing my cookies to dunk in it.
But I stop myself and remember the reason I'm here. My heart sinks back to where it was before.
'Oh Josephine, you have to talk to me.'
'I know. I just don't know where to start.' I admit, twiddling my thumbs and biting my lip.
I try not to think of the way Hero makes fun of me for this nervous habit of mine.
'It's okay Jo. Just take your time. But if I'm going to help, I need to know everything'..

Hero's Pov:
I've sent no end of texts to Jo but of course she doesn't even open them. I even tried Katherine's phone. Her and Jo aren't the closest of sisters but when me and Jo argue, she's the first one to come at me for treating her wrong. They're there for each other when necessary. I thought Jo would've already told Katherine what happened but apparently not. She actually answered the phone to me but told me she hasn't heard from Jo in weeks. Strange.
I fight the urge to call her mother. That must be where she is. But I understand that she just needs some time. And maybe her mother will help her through this, and maybe talk some sense into her.

Josephine's pov:
I tell her everything. The drinking, then the drunken phone calls and jealousy over the movie. The hardest part is telling her about th video, but I manage it, not a tear shed.
My mother's calm words do help me see things from Hero's perspective. But I'm still angry. I'm not sure why.
'Jo are you okay? You're looking a little pale.'
She pressed a hand against my forehead and I do feel a little queasy.
'I'm fine,' I lie, 'I'm just gonna head out to grab a few things from the store.'
With that I get up and leave before I can change my mind. Whatever is going on here, it sure as hell isn't good.

A few hours later..

I sit on the cold tile floor of my Mum's bathroom. I've always told her it's too cold in here, but she likes the traditional interior or something.
I run my fingers through my slightly knotted hair to distract myself from what I'm about to do. The test lays face down on the floor next to me. I take in a few deep breaths. This is it.
Before I can think about it any longer, or stop myself, I flip the test over.
My vision clouds but the '+' symbol presents itself clearly to me, as if it could mock me.
Positive. It's positive. I repeat in my head.
Then my words that follow come out aloud, 'holy shit.'

The end.

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