Chapter 9

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Josephine's pov:
When I wake, the sun is already shining brightly through the window, to the point it's almost blinding. I can hardly open my eyes, so I pull the pillow over my face just as the door swings open and Hero walks in.
'Good morning to you too!' He jokes, with a soft laugh.
'Too bright.' I whine, removing the pillow but keeping my eyes squinted.
Once my eyes adjust to the lighting, I find myself scanning Hero's body. He's just finished showering and his towel hangs low at his hips, showing off his muscular build perfectly. He selects a shirt from his drawer and turns around to face me. I tear my eyes away, aware that I've been staring a little too much.
'Careful not to drool, Mrs Fiennes Tiffin'
'When are you gonna stop calling me that?' I giggle and he smirks playfully.
'You love it really.' He teases me, and I only sigh and smile in response- I know he's right.
I still can't believe he's my husband, it feels surreal.
'Get out of bed, lazy bugger' he remarks, rolling me to the edge of the bed.
'No, Hero!' I squeal, clinging to the sheets.
He throws his head back in laughter, and threatens childishly, 'you've got five minutes to get up before I throw you over my shoulder and carry you out of this bedroom!'
I roll my eyes but a smile emerges on my face, much to his joy.


Hero's Pov:
Once my wife finally drags her ass- sorry, sexy ass- out of bed. She joins me downstairs while I wait for the kettle to boil. 'Coffee?'
She nods in response and pops bread in the toaster. 'You woke up late,' I say, handing her a mug of the steaming black liquid.
'It's only 11:30' she responds with a half laugh, before taking a sip of her coffee.
'Yeah, but you're usually up at 8 making me coffee.'
'Oh, i see how it is.' She giggles, threatening to beat me with a spoon.
'I'm Terrified.' I mock her, causing her to roll her eyes.
The playful chat between us is cut short when Jo's phone rings loudly. The abrupt sound makes her jump and I stifle a laugh.
She swats my arm, reading my mind, and swipes her finger across the screen to answer the call.
'Who is it?' I mouth, and she mouths back 'my agent.'
I nod reflexively and take a drink from my own coffee mug, followed by a bite of burnt toast.
'Oh wow, really?' She practically oozes enthusiasm as she squeals down the phone to her agent. 'What?' I whisper, but she ignores me this time. They talk for a while longer but I'm not really listening. I wait for her to hang up and then stare at her, waiting for an explanation. Not that she's done anything wrong, I'm just pretty curious as to what they were talking about to get Jo that happy.
'An audition?' I ask, swirling the remainder of coffee about in the bottom of the mug to avoid eye contact. I'm not sure why I feel so weird about this. Maybe I'm just worried about having to spend time apart If she's on a new movie. 'Better!' She shrieks, 'they've offered me a part!'
'What.. how?' I can't form a sentence.
'Well, of course I'll have to go and do a sort of audition. I mean, they want me to read some lines and have a screen test with the characters already cast.' She explains, hurrying her words. She's clearly overjoyed but I can't seem to find the words to congratulate her. What is wrong with me? 'But, unless it goes horribly wrong, I've got the part!' She squeals, once again, and runs into my arms for a hug. 'That's great, baby' I say, and I do mean it. This should be amazing for her.
'I'll be co starring with Noah Centineo!' She beams, and I'm sure I hear my heart crack.
'Noah Centineo?' I choke, and she rolls her eyes
'Don't start that Hero, I've worked with loads of male actors before!' She complains, folding her arms in the adorable way she does, and she tries to stay angry with me when I smirk at her.
'Yeah, not fucking Netflix heartthrobs.' I fire back, noting how childish I sound right now but still giving no fuck about it.
She surprises me by laughing.
'Babe, you're a Netflix heartthrob' she mocks my choice of words in her response.
'You know that's not how I see myself.' I counter, and she sighs, seeing my point of view it would seem.
'Don't be jealous baby.' She smiles playfully and twirls a strand of my hair between her dainty fingers.
'I'm not jealous.' I lie, gripping her waist a little tighter like she's a possession I'm afraid will get stolen. Well, that sounds about right in this situation. She sighs, and looks into my eyes.
'You know me well enough to know I'm a professional. No actor, or any other guy for that matter could change the way I feel about you.' She states, her eyes sparkling with adoration and faith. No matter how immaturely I act she always brings me back to reality and puts everything into perspective.
'I know.' I manage a smile and hug her tightly.
'I married a Netflix heartthrob already. I don't need another one.' She jokes, and I pout at her, again like a child, but eventually join in with her laughter. I'm proud of her, even if she does have to work with another man in a romantic movie. Oh god, this is gonna kill me.

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