Chapter 7

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Hero's Pov:
To my relief, Josephine stays asleep for the remainder of the cab journey. The traffic is pretty bad and I must admit I'm pretty bored sat here with no one to talk to- I refuse to speak to the driver. I'm pretty sure he wasn't just concerned about Jo for her sudden outburst; it was more like he was checking her out. The fourth time he turned around it became obvious. I want to shout at him to keep his eyes on the road and off of my wife, then call him a perv but I decide against it. If she were awake, she'd nudge me hard in the chest and scowl at me, in the cute way that she always does.

When we finally arrive home, I leave the exact money I owe him for the ride, despite Jo's silent protests that I leave a tip. What would the tip be for, staring at my fucking wife?
I take Jo's hand, help her out of the taxi, and smirk to myself as she apologises on my behalf for not thanking him. To be honest I don't have time to lick his ass for a simple car journey, I want to get inside and finally relax with the person I love most in the world.

Josephine's pov:
By the time we're back at home, it's already 7:30 at night. I hadn't expected it to be much different, but the traffic certainly cost us a few hours, plus the time difference added on. It could've been a lot worse in all fairness, but right now I don't even care, I just want my bed. Once I'm inside my first instinct is to drag Hero up the stairs to go straight to sleep, but he surprises me by taking my arm and leading me in the other direction. Through the kitchen and utility room to the back door.
'Babe I'm tired, why are we going outside?' I whine, my eyes heavy and legs restless.
'Just come with me,' he instructs, 'trust me.'
He knows I of course do trust him, so I allow him to unlock the back door and push it open, then gestures for me to walk outside first. Before doing so, I pull the sleeves of his sweater down to cover my hands- just in case it's breezy out here tonight- and then step out onto the wooden decking.
I think I literally stop breathing for a solid 5 seconds when I notice what's in front of me.
No, this can't be real.. I even pinch myself to be sure. Hero laughs at me for this action.
'Earth to Jo.' He mocks.
'You did not.. how did you.. what?' The words tumble from my mouth just as jumbled as the thoughts in my head.

Out in the middle of the grass is a good sized, filled and seemingly heated swimming pool. There's a glass house around it, but sparkling and transparent. A few lights are powered on inside, making the pool and entire room visible from where I'm standing, and in the dark.
'Well.. what do you think?' He asks, holding both of my shoulders with his hands and a proud gleam in his eyes.
At first I'm in shock but then I feel overwhelmingly spoiled and adored by the man standing before me.
'You bought this?' I ask, staring into his beautiful eyes.
'Well, unless you've got another husband who got his mates to sneak round here and have it installed while we were away.' He responds with a soft laugh, the kind of laugh that sounds so perfect and relaxing that it could send me to sleep or ignite my body on fire. He has this effect on me. One minute I want to tear his clothes off of him, the next I'm blushing at his sweet romantic gestures. The only feeling that sticks no matter what happens, is the pure love I have for him. That emotion I could never shake, no matter how hard I could try. 
'I love it.. it's amazing.' I gush, feeling my cheeks burning from how surprised and overjoyed I am in this moment.
'I just thought it was the perfect thing for us. I saw your face when you saw our pool in the Maldives. You were so amazed by it, and so was I. And I just knew I had to see that look on your face again.. and how else than to buy us our own pool to have here, at our home?'

I don't respond, as my eyes are still glued to the beauty of the pool room and pool itself. He laughs a little. 'Well I guess my plan worked out then, judging by your face now.'
With that, I hook my arms around his neck and press my lips against his, savouring the taste of his mouth as we kiss like this for a few minutes. Honestly, I could never get bored of kissing him. I'd do it all day long if it were practical.

'Well what are you waiting for?' He asks, pointing at the pool. I notice the door to the pool room is open- probably thanks to his friends leaving it like that.
'Hero, I'm still wearing my clothes and—'
He cuts me off by scooping me up in his arms. This man seems to have a thing for carrying me around, and lots of the time into water.
I squeal with laughter kicking my legs in triumph, but knowing I am willingly losing the battle. He turns sideways once we reach the entrance to fit us both through the door and then after a few strides leaps into the deep end with me hanging on like a freaking bush baby.. well, a soggy one.
I can't help but kiss him again, letting my hands roam freely over his body this time, granting myself a barely audible moan from Hero. But I hear it. He pulls away. 'I'm glad you like it, baby.'
'I love it, Hero.' I tell him with a wide smile.
I cannot believe he'd do this for me. This was the most perfect thing to come home to.

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