Chapter 6

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Josephine's pov:
The flight went just as I'd expected- slowly. Hero spent the whole time playing with my hair and attempting to get me to sleep. I just couldn't and I'm not sure why. Maybe it was just the anxiety about getting through the airport in Australia. And I was right to be worried. When we step into the main building there are literally swarms of young teens, and a few older kids dotted throughout the crowd. The security keep a wall built around us as we walk through the airport, the sound of screaming girls echoing around relentlessly. Hero tightens his hold on my waist, trying to ease my nerves. It leaves guilt for days having to ignore our fans. We're not allowed to take any photos as we're marched towards the exit. Dozens of the fans are yelling our names holding out mobile phones. This really sucks. I'd love to go and take photos with them or at least say hi, but we've always been instructed to keep our distance from fans in situations like this, especially now that they all know about me and Hero. It's strange being able to be so close to each other in public without worrying about being outed. We outed ourselves, after all. I can feel the tension rising in my stomach as we finally are free of the huge crowd. The taxi is close by and my legs feel as though they're about to give way. Is this what a panic attack feels like? Is this actually happening or am I dreaming?
The last thing I remember is the light slipping away from around me, and Hero crying out my name, and the rest is all a blur.


When I open my eyes, my breathing immediately picks up and I find myself practically hyperventilating. Hero cups my face in his hands, keeping eye contact. 'You're okay, I'm here, it's okay.' He repeats his calming words, breathing with me to help soothe my anxiety. I can't remember the last time this happened to me.. in fact, I don't think this has ever happened to me. When my breathing finally slows, Hero leans forward and kisses my forehead, relieving some of the pressure inside me, and I finally feel at least partially soothed. The driver glances back at the two of us with a worried expression, but Hero gives him a reassuring smile as if to say 'she'll be fine.'
'You blacked out in the car park, baby.' He tells me, as my memories of the airport start to piece together like a jigsaw in my mind.
The events of the last hour or so just come flooding back faster than I can comprehend it all.
'You'll be okay, I promise. Drink some water.'
'Okay' I say in response, retrieving the bottled water from his hands and taking a long swig from it. I exhale loudly which causes a smile to creep across Hero's lips. 'Feel any better?' He asks me, wrapping an arm around my back and rubbing up and down slowly. He always knows how to comfort me.
'A little,' I begin, 'but I just feel so under pressure. People are watching us everywhere we go and—'
'Shhh,' he hushes me, sensing that I'm about to cry. 'I just can't, I can't..' and with that the tears spill from my eyes before I can stop myself. Hero immediately takes me in his arms in a strong hug, once again dismissing the driver who is bewildered by my conflicting emotions. I cry into his shoulder, inhaling his scent with every difficult breath I take in.

Hero's Pov:
I hold her in my arms until she cries her final tear and then I wipe under her eyes with my thumb. 'I love you, none of this is your fault.' I tell her with a smile, in an attempt to relax her somewhat. I plant a gentle kiss on her lips and she loosens our embrace to compose herself before speaking. 'I love you too' she practically whispers, having nearly lost her voice from balling her eyes out just moments ago.
'We made the choice to go public with our relationship. It was the right thing, and we can't do anything about the fans wanting to get up close and personal with us.' I say calmly.
'I know.' She sighs, resting her head on my shoulder and placing a hand on my lap to connect with mine.
'Don't think too much into it. I know it's hard being prevented from interacting with them, but there's not much we can do.'
She sighs yet again, squeezing our hands together and closing her eyes. She is in need of sleep, it's been a stressful day so far.
When she collapsed outside the airport I felt
the colour drain from my face, I was terrified. I knew it was nothing serious, only a panic attack and faint feeling, but seeing her like that made my heart stop, and not in the good way. I truly didn't know what to do. I just watched as the airport staff ran outside and tended to her, before I scooped her up in my arms and carried her to the waiting cab. I've never seen her like that, so scared, so anxious.
I notice she's now asleep in my chest, so I lean my head against hers and try to join her in rest, although I can't shake the feeling that this wouldn't have happened if we never told everyone about our relationship.

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