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[Saturday, 9:00 am]

Gulf wakes up feeling a dull sore all throughout his body. His eyes flutter open, readjusting to his room's calming darkness that is slowly disappearing as sunlight seeps through the curtains.

He attempts to shift his body but is stopped with a warm presence cuddling right behind him and backhugging his waist.

Mew feels the slight movement in front of him, causing his eyes to slowly open. Quickly awakening from his senses, Mew tightens his grip around Gulf's waist and snuggles nearer Gulf's body.

He breathes in the pleasant smell of his boyfriend and smiles against the soft skin. "Good morning~"

The deep voice and warm breath hitting the back of Gulf's neck sends a small shiver up his spine. He turns his body around to face Mew and, this time, becomes the one snuggling closely to other man's body.

Mew's smile stretches even wider as he returns Gulf's sudden action by hugging the younger man more tightly to his body.

They stay in that tight hug for a while before Mew softly chuckles, breaking the silence. "Hmm~ I didn't know you had this clingy side to you."

Gulf ignores the playful remark as he continues to bury his face against Mew's built chest.

Suddenly, Mew's hand sneakily reaches behind Gulf and lightly pats on the rear.

"Are you feeling okay?"

Gulf immediately understands what Mew means by that question and gets a bit flustered.

He stutters a little while clearing his throat. "Y-You.. dare ask me that??"

Mew chuckles as he moves his hand up and down Gulf's back in a comforting manner.

"I'm sorry, baby~"

Gulf doesn't reply and just continues to lay there feeling relaxed from Mew's caress.

Soon, Mew speaks up again. "..but you did enjoy it every round..."

Gulf abruptly opens his eyes and lightly pushes away from their embrace.

"P' MEW!!"

Mew heartily laughs looking at Gulf's startled face.

"Okay, okay~ I'll stop teasing. Let's go get washed up."

Gulf, who is now a bit sulking, starts getting off the bed by himself. "No, P'. I'll go take a shower by myself first."

Mew sits up, ready to assist Gulf. "Are you sure??"

Gulf continues to stand up and walks toward the door without looking back. "Yeah.. G-Go make food, P'. I'm hungry..."

Mew sits on the edge of the bed feeling amused as he sees Gulf grimacing and slightly limping to exit the bedroom and head toward the bathroom.

He suddenly remembers something and calls out to Gulf who had just made it out of the bedroom door. "Make sure to take a warm soak! It should ease the pain..."

He doesn't hear a reply, but hears the bathroom door shutting close instead.

Mew chuckles to himself.

[10:00 am]

Mew is in the middle of cutting kimbap rolls he made using the fresh produce and ingredients that Gulf's parents brought over yesterday. After he finishes cutting the rolls, he takes a while to locate where Gulf keeps all his dishes. Opening a few cabinets, Mew finally finds a decent plate to hold the kimbap pieces.

After stacking the food nicely onto the plate, Mew suddenly hears Gulf call out from the bathroom.

"P' Mew! Can you go to my room and grab a new pair of clothes?"

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