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It has been two weeks since Gulf's breakup with Puifai. Mew and Gulf have not seen each other ever since Mew dropped Gulf off at his apartment. The only contact they had was last weekend when Mew suddenly messaged Gulf to ask if he is feeling better. Until...

[Friday, 5:30 pm]

"And that concludes my presentation."

The rest of the employees respectfully applaud throughout the entire room while Mew and Tul, sitting at the head of the meeting table, smile and nod in approval.

The man who just finished presenting his team's monthly report goes back to his own seat at the table.

After seeing that everyone has settled down, Mew speaks up.

"Alright, good work today everyone. I'm very proud that you all are staying on task and completing all your duties with amazing results."

Tul cuts in. "Mhm~ Aaaaaand that calls for a celebration! We haven't had a company dinner in a while. How does that sound Mew?"

"Sure! Let's plan for the end of this month."

The workers start mumbling to each other in excitement.

Mew grins. "Alright, alright. Meeting adjourned!"

They all start filing out of the meeting room.

The moment Tul exits the room, he grabs for his phone inside his pocket. Seeing how excited he looks while texting, Mew grows curious.

"What's with your excitement?"

Tul widely grins as he faces Mew. "Going on a date with Max tonight. It's our 100th day!"

Mew chuckles. "I see you guys are doing well."

Tul happily nods. "Yup!"

They both head into Mew's office.

"So~ Mew, I've been wondering... how are things between you and Gulf?"

Mew scoffs. "What do you mean? We're just..."

His voice trails away after reading a new message from his phone that he left to charge while attending the meeting.

3:30 pm: "Gulf called in sick, so Sing's football practice got cancelled. I'll take care of Sing, so go check on Gulf to see if he's okay."

Mew immediately feels a drop in his stomach. He quickly messages thank you to Auntie Mai and switches over to his phone's contacts to find Gulf's name.

Mew frantically dials Gulf three times and receives no answer.

Tul notices the mood change. "Hey. What's wrong?"

Mew quickly grabs his jacket hanging on his chair and turns to Tul.

"Gulf is sick and he's not picking up. Take care of the remaining papers today, yeah?"

Tul nods. "Yeah, go ahead."

Mew rushes out of his office. Ignoring all the employees greeting him, Mew enters his car to head for Gulf's apartment.

While in his car, Mew continues to call Gulf, but there still is no answer.

I hope he's alright..

Mew zooms through a few intersections. With luck by his side, he doesn't get caught for speeding. In under twenty minutes, Mew reaches the parking lot and runs into the apartment building. He quickly stops.

Oh wait.. I don't know which floor and room his apartment is.

Mew anxiously looks around to ask a neighbor or just anyone for help. Suddenly, his eyes land at the area where all the residents get their mail. His eagle eyes spot a few letters sticking out of one particular slot with Gulf's name on it.

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