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Ever since Gulf's stay for dinner on Friday, Mew's mind has done nothing but keep wandering back to him. He thinks about the cute moment when Gulf's stomach had loudly rumbled. Then, he thinks back to the two times when he had to quickly catch Gulf before he fell to the floor. And then, his mood suddenly grows bitter when he remembers the phone conversation Gulf had with his girlfriend. After that, Mew's mind switches back to thinking about when Gulf's stomach rumbled and the whole thinking cycle just keeps repeating again and again. Not being able to understand his confused feelings, Mew decides to go have fun outside with Sing to clear his thoughts and get some fresh air.

[12:30 pm]

Mew and Sing take a short walk across the street from their apartment to the nearby mall center. Once they arrive, Sing immediately drags Mew to the far right side of the mall area. He has been here several times with Mew, so he knows exactly where he wants to go first.

"Daddy! Let's go to the game arcade!!"

Mew smiles. "Okay~"

They enter the arcade and spend hours playing several games. However, most of their time is spent playing the popular Pokemon game that they always play every time they are there. When it is almost 3 pm, Mew and Sing both feel hungry, so they go outside to wander around and look for some food. After walking for a few minutes, they spot a familiar figure at one of the sitting areas scattered across the entire mall.

Sing's eyes grow wide and immediately towards the area. "P' Gulfie!!"

Gulf, who was playing on his phone, looks up to find who called out his name and flashes a bright smile after recognizing Sing. He stands up and Sing happily crashes in front of his legs and wraps his tiny arms around them for a hug. Gulf looks down at the boy's little head and playfully ruffles the fluffy, brown hair. 

Mew is still walking from a few feet away and warmly smiles while seeing the sight.

Why is my heart pounding again?

Mew ignores the fuzzy feeling within his chest and walks up to them.

Gulf smiles after seeing Mew. "Hello, P'."

"Hi. What are you doing here?"

"Oh. Nothing much. Just waiting here for my girlfriend to finish using the restroom."

Mew, once again, feels a small drop in his stomach. "Ahhh I see... You lovebirds on a date?"

Gulf chuckles. "Yeahhh"

Sing finally lets go of the hug. "P' Gulfie! Come play in the arcade with me!!"

Mew immediately stops his son. "No, Singsing~ P' Gulf is busy now."

Gulf suddenly tenses up and blushes after hearing Mew call him P' Gulf.

"Nooo~ I want to play with P' Gulfie~~~"

Sing grabs onto Gulf's legs tightly again. Mew steps closer to pull his little boy away.

"Come on, Singsing. We gotta go now~"

The three of them continue to stand like that. Sing desperately holding onto Gulf's legs while Mew is struggling to tug him away. Gulf is standing still, laughing at the whole situation.

Puifai walks out of the women's restroom to look for her boyfriend in the sitting area. She walks closer and spots the little commotion happening.

What's going on?!

Puifai's face turns a little annoyed, but she immediately tries to calm herself down. She walks up to the three figures standing near the bench.

She smiles brightly. "Oh hi, Mr. Suppasit! Nice to meet you again!"

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