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[7:00 pm]

After their sweet moment in the car, Mew and Gulf finally enter the building to head to Mew's apartment.

While he watches Mew entering the passcode to open the door, Gulf stands quietly behind him. He suddenly feels shy because now, he is entering his boyfriend's apartment. He shakes the thoughts away and enter the apartment.

The first thing he spots near the doorstep are little boy shoes and suddenly he remembers about Sing.

"Oh! P' Mew? What happened to Sing?"

Mew takes a few seconds to process those words coming from Gulf's plump, kissable lips. "Huh? Oh. Don't worry, he'll be staying at Auntie's for a few days. I don't want him to see me with these bandages on."

Gulf softly responds. "Oh.."

His face gradually warms up.

That means I'll be staying with him.. alone...

Mew immediately notices the younger man's shyness and a smirk flashes across his face.

He reaches out his uninjured arm and grabs Gulf by the waist to pull him in closer.

Mew leans in to whisper in Gulf's ear. "Are you getting shy? Being alone with me?"

Gulf stiffens and his eyes nervously dart around the room. "U-Uhh.. N-No!"

He struggles out of Mew's grasp and quickly walks over to the kitchen. Mew chuckles and soon follows the younger man.

Gulf places his phone and car keys onto the dining table and heads to the fridge.

"You haven't had dinner yet right?"

Mew grabs a seat at the dining table and shakes his head. "Nope."

Gulf glances at the clock and frowns. "It's going to be quite a late dinner then."

Mew rest his arms on the table while he stares lovingly at Gulf's back in the kitchen. "It's fine~"

Unaware of what's going on behind him, Gulf continues to look in the fridge. "Hmm.. you need some nutritious foods to restore your health."

At that moment, a message notification pops up on Gulf's phone lock screen. Mew can't help but to steal a glance at it.

"Happy Birthday, our dear son! Hope you're having a wonderful day~ We love you!!"

Mew's eyes widen in surprise.

Seeing how there's nothing good in the fridge, Gulf turns around to speak. "I don't think--"


Gulf jolts in place from Mew's sudden loud voice. "H-Huh??"

Mew continues. "It's your birthday today??!?!"

Gulf feels relieved it's nothing serious. He closes the fridge's door and walks over to the dining table.


"Why didn't you tell me??"

Gulf shyly rubs the back of his neck. "Well.. it's not a big deal..."

"What do you mean~ It only happens once a year!"

Mew frowns. "You went through so much today because of me.. Did I ruin any plans?"

Gulf abruptly shakes his head. "No no, P' Mew! I wasn't planning to do anything today."


Gulf interrupts. "It's alright~~ What matters most right now is getting you food! There's not much in your fridge, so I'll go outside to buy something, okay?"

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