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[Friday, 4:45 pm]

"Okay, I'll expect to see you on site in two weeks. Yes, thank you."

Mew hangs up the call. For the whole day, he has been contacting several people regarding the construction workers, materials team, and other organizers about the AA Enterprises' new art museum. He has just finished his last call and can finally relax. He checks his watch.

Hmm.. Should I go pick up Sing today...

After his breakdown, Mew spent the last couple of days focusing on his work and has not been spending much time with Sing. He still feels bad for having made Sing witness such a frightening experience.

Mew decides to go pick up Sing, so he immediately calls Auntie Mai to tell her. After ending that call, he heads toward Tul's office. Suddenly, he stops himself.

What if I walk in on him doing something weird again...

Mew pulls out his phone to send Tul a text message instead.

"Hey, I'm heading out early to pick up Sing. The remaining work is for you today."

A few seconds later, Mew gets a reply.

"Sure. Drive safe!"

Mew smiles then puts his phone back into his pocket while heading out to the parking lot.

[5:15 pm]

Mew arrives 15 minutes early before the football practice ends. He quietly walks near the grass field's fence, so he doesn't cause any distractions. While standing there, he spots Gulf standing in front of a group of little boys going over the drills they did earlier and talking about some other key points. Mew looks among the group and finally spots his son. Mew breaks into a warm smile. Sing is standing still and listening to his coach very attentively.

Such a good boy~

Mew's gaze goes back to Gulf's face. Suddenly, he feels his heart acting up. Mew faintly smiles.

Huh.. I guess he does mean something to me then...

After that night when Mew was feeling miserable, Tul brought up what he heard Mew mumble in his sleep. Tul said he heard Mew say that he likes Gulf. At first, Mew was in disbelief when Tul told him that. However, as the days pass, Mew is starting to admit it more and more. His mind drifts off to thinking about Gulf at random times throughout the day. Especially after he found out Puifai cheating on Gulf, Mew feels extremely concerned about Gulf. However, he decides that that is their own business, so he won't budge in. No matter how much Mew likes Gulf more than he actually realizes, Mew is afraid of being in a relationship again. After all those past relationships.. those painful memories... him having a child and the mother even leaving him too.. Mew has not been involved with anyone ever since Sing was born.


Sing's loud voice disrupts Mew's train of thoughts. Mew looks ahead of him and notices his son running up to him. Mew smiles brightly. He bends down and spreads his arms out to receive Sing's hug.

"Hey, Singsing~~"

Sing lets go and looks up at his dad's eyes. "You're home early today?"

Mew grins and lightly pinches his son's tiny nose. "Yes~ I want to spend more time with my Singsing today!"

After hearing his dad say that, Sing's flashes a wide smile.

"Hey, Sing!"

Mew and Sing turn toward the voice that belongs to another boy in the team.

Sing smiles and waves. "Hi, Nat!"

Nat looks up at Mew in amazement. "Whoa.. Is he your dad?"

Sing proudly grins and nods.

"He looks so cool~"

Sing laughs and turns to look back at Mew. "Daddy, can I talk with my friend for a little?"

Mew smiles. "Sure! Go ahead."

The two little boys walk away to find some shade by a tree. Mew stands alone for a while as he looks around. Suddenly, his eyes spot another pair of eyes that are staring straight at him. Gulf quickly looks away and continues to greet other parents picking up their sons. Mew frowns.

Why was he looking at me like that?

Mew decides to walk up to Gulf.

From his peripheral vision, Gulf notices the tall man walking closer.

Shit.. He's walking toward me...


Gulf bites his inner cheek and mumbles a small hello.

Mew frowns again. "Why aren't you looking at me?"

Gulf sighs and turns to Mew. "Is there something you need, P'?"

Mew furrows his eyebrows after seeing Gulf weird behavior. "No. It's just.. you're acting strange."

"What do you mean, P'? I'm feeling fine."

Mew starts feeling worried and grabs onto Gulf's arm. "Are you really okay, Gulf?"

Gulf immediately reacts from the sudden touch and roughly shakes Mew's arm away. "P'! There's nothing wrong."

Mew feels hurt and shocked at Gulf's sudden outburst.

What's wrong with him...

Mew makes up his mind and quickly takes Gulf arm to lead them somewhere more quiet to talk. On the way, Gulf tries to struggle against Mew's grip, but there is no use. Mew's grip is way too strong. They finally reach somewhere further on the grass field and Mew lets go of Gulf's arm.

Mew stares directly into Gulf's eyes. "What's wrong?"

Gulf doesn't answer and just remains silent.

An idea suddenly strikes Mew's mind. "Are you mad at me?"

Gulf continues to frown. "No.."

"It's about Puifai, isn't it?"

Gulf finally loses it. "What were you bothering her about, P' Mew?"

Mew is taken aback. "I didn't do anything!"

"Then why did she say you were being strange??"

"Well, that's for you to figure out! I guess she's still hiding it from you, huh?"

"Hiding what?!"

Now it's time for Mew to be the one who's angry. "Why don't you go ask your dear, sweet girlfriend?!"

"Stop messing with me!"

"I'm not!"

"Then why aren't you telling me anything??"

"Because it's none of my business! Just know that you and your girlfriend need some serious talking!"

Gulf takes a few breaths. Then, he gives Mew a deadly stare. "Why do you care about whatever happens between me and Puifai anyway."

Mew pauses a little and suddenly turns soft. "Because.. I care for you..."

Gulf's eyes widen and he grows a bit warm. He clears his throat a bit. "Why--"


Mew and Gulf turn around to see Sing running to them.

"Let's go home~"

Mew chuckles. "Okay! Let's go~"

Sing waves. "Bye, P' Gulfie!"

Mew holds Sing's hand and turns around to talk to Gulf. "Gulf.. No matter what happens, just know that I'm always here for you, okay?"

Gulf feels himself softening up after hearing those words. He looks down to his feet like a shy little kid and mutters quietly. "Whatever..."

Mew smirks. "See ya!"

Mew and Sing start heading out to exit the grass field. Gulf stares at the tall man's back.

Why does he care for me?

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