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[Sunday, 8:30 am]

Gulf's eyes start to flutter open. He shifts around in the comfy bed and pulls the soft blanket closer to his neck to snuggle into it more. The faint sandalwood scent from the blanket startles him and his eyes finally open wide. Suddenly, he feels a dull pain pulsing in his head.

Ugh.. Why do I have a headache?

Gulf takes a few seconds to get used to the pain then looks around the room.

This is not my-- OH!

Gulf immediately sits up from the bed. He finally remembers that he came rushing over to P' Mew's place last night and wept like a baby. Mew comforted him and handed him a drink...

I got drunk... Ughh, I hope I didn't do anything weird.

Suddenly, the memory of Puifai, the cause of all this trouble, enters his mind. A sharp pain attacks his heart, but he tries to ignore it for now. He has to get up to thank P' Mew for last night.

Gulf pulls off the blanket and folds it neatly onto the bed. After straightening the pillow and bedding sheet, he walks toward the door. The moment he walks out, the smell of eggs and spicy soup fill his nostrils. Gulf's eyes dart around quickly to find the clock that reads 8:45 am.

It's breakfast time..

Gulf quietly walks past the living room and heads to the dining room to look for Mew. There, sitting at the table, are the father and son eating their breakfast together. Sing is the first to notice Gulf. His eyes grow wide in shock.

"DADDY! It's P' Gulfie!!"

Sing jumps up from his seat and runs up to Gulf. He gives Gulf a hug by tighting wrapping his tiny arms around one of Gulf's legs.

Gulf smiles. "Hello, Sing."

"What are you doing here, P' Gulfie??"

Gulf doesn't know how to answer the question, so he just stares at Sing for a few seconds before he looks up to Mew and awkwardly smiles.

Mew looks at Gulf's face and notices that it is a little pale. He stands up and goes over to Sing.

"Alright, Singsing. P' Gulfie is not feeling well, so don't bother him too much, okay? Go finish your breakfast."

Sing lets go of Gulf's leg and obediently goes back to the dining table. Mew looks concerned as he stands in front of Gulf.

"How are you feeling?"

Gulf faintly smiles. "I have a small headache, but it's getting better."

Mew frowns. "Hmm.. okay. Come sit for breakfast. I made some spicy chicken soup. Hopefully, it can help your hangover."

"You made soup.. for my hangover...?"

Mew hears the surprise in Gulf's voice and smirks. "Yeah. Are you touched?"

Gulf can feel heat rushing up to his face. "Uhmm. I..."

Mew chuckles. "Haha, alright. Stop standing around~ The soup will get cold."

Mew turns around to head back to the table, but Gulf suddenly grabs Mew's arm. Mew stops and looks back at Gulf confusingly.

"Sorry for last night."

Mew smiles. "Don't worry about it. You were there for me last time too. I guess we're even now."

Gulf lightly smiles but it disappears when he remembers something else. "Uhm.. P' Mew?"


"Did I.. do anything weird last night? I was drunk... so.."

Mew immediately thinks back to the moment when their lips touched. His heart starts to beat faster.

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