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Once in the parking lot, Gulf looks for Mew's car and walks toward it. He opens the front passenger door and hops in.

Sing's excited voice can be heard from behind. "Yay!! P' Gulfie is finally here!"

Gulf turns his head back to smile at the adorable boy.

Mew speaks up. "So, what's the name of the restaurant?"

Gulf shifts his attention to the man sitting in the driver's seat.

He looks even more handsome up close while wearing those casual clothes...

Gulf's cheeks start warming up. "Oh. Uhh, it's called Sweetheart's Kitchen." (hehe the name "Waanjai" gave me the inspiration)

Gulf is about to pull out his phone's GPS, but Mew stops him. "No, it's fine. I've heard of that place. I know where it's located."

"Aow, you've eaten there before, P'?"

Mew shakes his head. "I've only heard compliments from my colleagues about their delicious food."

Gulf nods in agreement. "Mhm~ It's delicious! I've been there with Pui--"

Gulf trails away from the next words about to come out of his mouth, then awkwardly stares down at his lap.

Mew clears his throat. "Okay.. I'll start driving now then."

He's still bothered by that girl...

Reaching the first red light after they exited the school, Gulf finally thinks of another topic to talk about.

"Oh! I see P' Tul has brought his boyfriend along today."

Mew continues staring at the red light and just casually replies. "Yeah, it was the first time meeting him."

Gulf still notices the cold vibe that Mew is giving off like last time during their phone call.

Why is he not his usual self? Is he really still mad about that.. incident...?

Sing's soft voice interrupts their conversation. "Uncle Tul and Uncle Max... are boyfriends..?"

Mew looks at Sing's confused face through the rear view mirror. "Yes, Singsing."

".. but... Daddy.. I thought there are only boyfriends and girlfriends."

Mew faintly smiles. "No, Singsing. As long as you love them, it doesn't matter who you date."

Gulf steals a glance at Mew after hearing those words.

I guess that is true...

Sing's face brighten with enlightenment. "Ohhh.. Daddy? Is it alright if I have a boyfriend then?"

Mew, who was initially easing onto the brake as they near a red light, abruptly steps hard on the pedal. He quickly turns around to face his son.

"Sing Suppasit! Do you have a boyfriend??"

Sing vigorously shakes his head. "No."

Mew's anxiety loosens a little.

But, Sing continues asking in a small voice. ".. what about a girlfriend...?"

Mew's anxiety level rises again. "You have a girlfriend???"

Seeing how funny his dad's face looks, Sing giggles. "No, Daddy~ I'm not dating anyone~~"

Mew breathes a sigh of relief and turns back around in time for the traffic light to turn green.

"Don't scare me like that, Singsing... You're still too young.."

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