Carried Away

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[Saturday, 8:00 am]

Gulf turns left and right in his bed a few times before he decides to open his eyes. He looks around and up at his ceiling as he notices how the room is still a bit dark. He turns to the clock sitting on his bedside table.

Wow.. I woke up really early today! Probably because I slept all day yesterday...

Gulf smiles in relief when he realizes that his fever has gone down and a headache is no longer bothering him.

After snuggling in his blanket for a few more minutes, Gulf gets out of his bed and does a quick morning stretch. Once done, he walks up to his windows to pull back the curtains.

The morning sun feels nice~ Maybe I should try waking up earlier from now on.

Gulf exits his bedroom and heads to the bathroom. He stares at his mirror reflection after using the toilet. His fingers slowly creep to his messy hair.

Damn.. I look horrible.

After he finishes using the bathroom, Gulf's stomach grumbles. He goes to the kitchen, but stops at the sight of a covered bowl sitting on his dinner table. He uncovers the bowl and sees egg porridge.

Next to the bowl is a short written note:

"You don't have much in your fridge, so I only used eggs for the porridge. Heat it up if it gets cold. I hope you're feeling better."

Gulf suddenly has a flashback of a man's silhouette exiting his bedroom last night.


He shrugs his shoulders then decides to eat anyway because he was getting too hungry. He goes to grab a spoon before digging in.

Woww~ this is delicious!

After finishing the bowl in less than five minutes, he pats his stomach in satisfaction. He places the empty bowl in the sink.

In the living room, Gulf spots his dead phone lying on the TV counter. He quickly goes to the nearest outlet to recharge it.

While waiting for his phone to turn on, Gulf looks around the room and spots a watch on the living room table. He puts his phone down and walks over to pick the watch up to take a look.

After a few seconds, Gulf immediately realizes that it belongs to Mew. He remembers seeing him wear it sometimes when his sleeves are folded up.

Wait then.. that means P' Mew was the one who took care of me last night.. He slept over too...?

Gulf looks down at his shirt and notices that it is not the same one as the last shirt he remembers wearing. Without realizing, two faint, pink blushes appear on Gulf's cheeks.


Gulf's phone makes a noise while turning on and he walks over to check his missed notifications. His mouth grows agape once he scrolls through his screen.

He has a total of 26 missed calls from Mew. Though feeling sorry, Gulf also feels an unexplainable happy feeling coursing through his body.

He was truly worried about me...

Gulf stares down at the watch that he is holding in his other hand.

He makes up his mind then quickly enters his bedroom to get changed. A few minutes later, Gulf is already on the way to Mew's apartment to say thank you.



Mew, who is in the middle of drying his wet hair and body, gets startled.

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