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[Friday, 7:10 pm]

Mew is in the middle of driving home from work when Auntie Mai suddenly calls. Mew picks up and switches on the speaker.

"Hello, Auntie."



"Are you on your way home?"

"Yes, Auntie. Is anything wrong?"

"Oh, nothing big. It's just that I forgot to buy a few more food items at the grocery store. Can you stop by and grab some onions and some fruits of your choice?"

"Okay, no problem, Auntie. See you."

"Alright, thank you, Mew."

Mew hangs up the call and takes a quick turn in the opposite direction of where he was heading. He arrives at a grocery store nearby and goes in. It has been so long since he's been to one, since Auntie is usually in charge of restocking his fridge. The store's bright lighting and colorful varieties of foods bring relaxation to his tired eyes from work.

It takes a while before Mew finally locates where the onions are.

Uhh.. how much do I get?

Mew settles for one bag of five onions for his small household. Next, Mew walks over to the fruits area. The fruits are especially fresh at this time of the year. Newly restocked piles of apples, peaches, melons, and several other fruit varieties can be seen in a long aisle. Mew smiles in content as he looks through all of them.

Woww~ All this fresh fruit! Looks delicious~~

Mew finally spots his favorite fruit, strawberries, and impulsively decides to take three boxes of them. He looks to the right a few stacks away and sees another fruit.

Ooh! I should get some oranges. Lots of Vitamin C is good for Singsing.

Mew finishes shopping and lines up to pay for his items. While in line, Mew doesn't notice a gloomy figure lurking around and smirking after recognizing Mew.

Mew steps out the store carrying three bags of groceries. As he walks along the sidewalk to his car, he breathes in the cool, evening air and explores his peaceful surroundings. However, once he enters the parking lot, Mew's attention lands at one particular car that is diagonal of his own. Sitting on the two front seats of that dark silver car is Gulf and Puifai. They are both acting intimate and suddenly they engage in a passionate kiss.

Mew freezes in his footsteps. His eyes can't seem to leave the couple's car. He feels an immense an equal amount of both anger and sadness. The grocery bags in his hands make a crumbling noise as his fists start to clench tightly. Right at that moment, Mew realizes that his once peaceful night has turned into a depressing one. Mew takes a lot of effort to finally force himself to stop looking and storm to his car.

Unfortunately for Mew, things tonight aren't going to get any better. Once he pulls open his car door, a hand from behind suddenly reaches out to slam it shut. Mew is shocked but due to his fast reflexes, he immediately spins around to see who it is. His eyes widen with surprise and the color drains from his face. The same dark figure that was looming around in the store is now standing in front of Mew.

The man wickedly smiles. "Hello, Mew darling~ How are you?"

Mew tries to regain his posture and replies in a stern voice. "Ben, why are you here."

Ben continues to smile. "Aow, it's been long since I've last seen my lover. Of course, I want to say hello~"

Ben was one of Mew's long relationships that happened a while ago. They were such a loving pair. They depended on each other more than anything else. They have even lived together for about a year before weird things started occurring to Ben. He got involved with drugs and the gang. Mew tried to make Ben stop, but Ben eventually dumped him and left.

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