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[Friday, 9:00 am]

Light starts shining through the curtains of the bedroom. Finally stirring awake from his sleep, Mew's eyes open. He takes a moment to adjust to the room's brightness.

Then, he takes notice of something heavy resting on his left arm. Mew turns his head to the left to be met with a nest of fluffy hair poking his nostrils. He tilts his head down a bit to see the adorable, sleeping face of Gulf who is snuggling right beside him with his head buried onto Mew's left chest.

The corners of Mew's lips curve into a sweet smile. Without hesitation, he turns his body to face Gulf and hugs the younger man closer to his chest. A few seconds later, Gulf tiredly groans from the sudden, tight embrace.

"P' Mew~~"

Mew closes his eyes while smiling even wider. "Awww your sleepy voice is so cute."

Gulf opens his eyes after hearing such a deep, morning voice coming from Mew. He stiffens a little, but immediately relaxes after getting used to how comforting their hug is. Gulf lifts his arm to wrap around Mew's waist and snuggles his head closer into the crook of Mew's neck. He breathes in the minty yet slightly fruity scent coming from Mew's shampoo. A small smile appears on Gulf's face.

Enjoying each other's presence, feeling at ease, as if everything they've previously struggled over was worth it if it finally leads to this very moment... The two men in love stay like that in bed for another half hour before Gulf wakes up from his senses.

He opens his eyes then whispers, his voice sounding muffled due to being so close to Mew's body. "What time is it, P'?"

Mew opens his eyes to lift his head up to see the alarm clock that is sitting on the table beside Gulf's side of the bed.

He groans then plops his head back down onto his pillow. "9:30."

Realizing what day it is, Gulf speaks up. "I should get up soon, P'. There's football practice today."

Mew cutely grumbles as he holds onto Gulf tighter. "Nooo~ Stay with meee."

Gulf chuckles as he pushes away and lightly taps Mew on the arm. "I can't skip out on my job."

Their faces are now inches apart while staring into each other's eyes.

Mew smirks as an idea enters his mind. "I'll let you go if you give me a morning kiss."

Gulf immediately grows shy, but he can't help but laugh when seeing Mew already waiting with closed eyes and puckered lips.

Mew's eyebrows knit together while whining. "Come on~"

Gulf makes up his mind. He quickly leans in for a short kiss then leaps off the bed to head to the bathroom.

Mew's eyes open in disbelief as he calls out to the man who has already left the room. "Hey! That was only a peck!"

[10:00 am]

Both men have finished washing up. They are now near the kitchen getting ready for a late breakfast.

Mew motions to the dining table. "Go have a seat. I'll cook something real quick."

Gulf frowns. "But you're still.."

Mew smiles as he points to his head that no longer has a bandage. "I'm feeling much better now. Besides... you don't really cook, do you..?"

Gulf sheepishly grins. "But.. b-but I can help you cut or prepare any--"

Mew turns Gulf's body around and pushes him to a seat at the table. "Nope. I won't need help."

Gulf resignedly sits down and sees Mew turn back to head into the kitchen. A minute later, Mew calls out over his shoulder as he gathers ingredients in the fridge.

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