His Jacket

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[9:30 am]

After taking Sing to class, Mew arrives at his firm safely. He opens the entrance door and walks in.

A few employees already working in the front office turn their heads around to greet him. "Good morning, Mr. Suppasit."

Mew smiles. "Good morning, everyone!"

He travels further into the firm to enter his own office. The first thing he spots is Tul sitting on his own chair spinning back and forth while playing on his phone.

Tul hears the approaching footsteps and looks up at Mew. He immediately puts down his phone, straightens up in his seat, and fakes an angry face. "How dare you not knock on the door?! I am (Tul dramatically gestures at the name plaque placed on the front of the desk as he continues speaking) CEO Mew Suppasit and I--"

A new thought stops Tul in the middle of his sentence. "--oh wait... Have you knocked on wood yet?"

Mew grows genuinely confused. "Huh?"

"Wood! Knock on it!"


"Don't you remember cursing on my future wife this morning??"


This time, Tul is actually angry. "Well?! What are you waiting for?"

Mew rolls his eyes and resignedly knocks on his wooden office desk.

Tul happily grins then stands up to give Mew back his chair. "Alright, bro. Let's get down to business."

Tul hands Mew a pile of papers that were already sitting on the desk. "This is all the information I gathered about our new client. She's one of the directors at AA Enterprises. They want us to help them build an art museum because their CEO loves going to art exhibits during his free time."

Before Mew can start expressing his opinions, Tul adds in another detail. "Oh! And they specifically told us to shape the building like an infinity symbol. Their business's 8th anniversary is coming up, so they want to make something memorable."

Mew raises up an eyebrow as he feels intrigued. "Hmm... That's quite interesting."

"See?! I told you it would be a great deal! Not only are they offering us an impressive amount of money, but we will also create another unique structure that we can add to our company's portfolio!"

Mew and Tul continue discussing the new project and other work-related topics for the next couple of hours.

[2:29 pm]

Sing gets up from his classroom seat to put on his panda backpack. He lines up along with the rest of the class at the door waiting eagerly for the afterschool bell to ring. 3... 2... 1...


The teacher standing at the door opens it and allows the little children to rush out to their parents waiting outside. Sing walks out to look for the familiar face of Auntie Mai, but grows confused when he doesn't see her (Auntie Mai is the younger sister of Mew's mom, who cares for Sing after school when his dad is still at work). Sing continues to look back and forth.

Huh...?  Where is Auntie...


Sing looks up to his teacher's voice. "Yes, Ms. Dao?"

"Auntie Mai is still not here?"

Sing shakes his head.

Ms. Dao warmly smiles. "It's okay. She's probably running a little late. Stay back here by the door so you can wait with me, okay?"

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