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Mew is back in his office after taking a few days off to recover. Sing came back home the next morning after Mew had his uncontrollable outburst. He was extremely worried about his dad. Although suffering from a major headache, Mew tried his best to apologize and reassure Sing several times before Sing finally agreed to leave him and go to school that day.

[Wednesday, 4:15 pm]

After having a brief meeting with Tul earlier to discuss some revisions for their new project, Mew is currently in his office putting together a few more files before heading to AA Enterprises again. Before he leaves the office, he suddenly remembers that San gave him his number the last time they met. He dials it to make sure San isn't busy.

San picks up. "Hello?"

"P' San?"

"Yes? Who is this?"

"Hello, P'. It's Mew."

San's voice immediately lightens up. "Ah, Mew! Calling because you miss me?"

Mew awkwardly chuckles. "Haha, P'. I'm calling to see if you're in your office right now."

There is a little pause before San answers. "Yes! Yes, of course I'm in my office. Do you need to meet me?"

"Yes, P'. Tul and I went over a few revisions, so I want to come talk about it with you."

"Ahh okay~ Sure! Come over!"

"Alright, thank you P' San. I'll see you soon."

"Mhmm~ See you!"

San hangs up and immediately dials his secretary outside his office.

"Yes, Mr. Pattarabut?"

"Postpone our company dinner to 7 o'clock. I'm expecting a guest soon."

"Okay. I will send out a message, sir."

"Thank you."

[5:00 pm]

Mew enters the company's vast parking lot and chooses a spot to park his car. The moment he steps into the company, he walks toward the receptionist desk. However, the lady recognizes him and immediately bows to greet him before gesturing her hand to the elevator.

Hmm.. I guess P' San told her to just allow me to go straight to his office.

Mew turns to the elevator's direction. As a natural habit, Mew explores his surroundings while walking. Although it is his second time here, he still admires the tall and unique structures of the company. The silver steel with shiny, polished glass really makes things appear more grand. On his way across the first floor, Mew's eyes suddenly notice a young couple standing closely against the wall of a tiny corridor that seems barely visible unless someone really concentrates in that direction. As Mew's eyes focus on the couple for a little longer, he shockingly recognizes Puifai's face.

She's with that man from before again...

Mew stops dead in his tracks as his eyes widen when the man's face suddenly comes closer to Puifai for a little peck.

Shit.. Is this girl two-timing right now??!

Mew clenches his fist and storms toward their direction.


Puifai jumps a little after hearing her name. The man in front of him backs away to see who has interrupted them. Puifai's head turns to see Mew standing before her.

"What are you doing here?"

"What's more important is what did I just see you two doing together?"

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