First Meeting

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[8:00 am]

Mew arrives at the school's parking lot exactly at 8:00 am. They had to be there 30 minutes earlier than a usual school day because today the school is holding an event for several sports teams to promote and scout kids who are interested in playing. After parking his car, Mew gets out and goes to the other side. He grabs Sing's hand and they both head over to the school's grass field.

Arriving near the field entrance, Mew is amazed at the huge set up of several different kinds of sports booths. There are even bright, colorful balloons tied to some poles here and there to attract the children's attention. The place was already packed with around 20 little kids walking around with their parents to the different booths. Standing at each booth are 2 or 3 people, probably coaches, and managers, answering any questions that the kids or parents have about a certain sport or helping fill out the children's names on signup sheets.

"WOW! Daddy!! This looks fun!"

Mew chuckles as he gazes down at his adorable son's bright smile. "Let's go look around."

They go to check out the nearest booth, which turns out to be for swimming. A young lady immediately spots the father and son and kindly greets them.

"Hello! Thank you for coming over to our booth! My name is Manaow, the assistant coach for the school's swim club."

Manaow can feel her cheeks growing warm as she speaks to them, especially to Mew. Seriously, no one can resist his extremely charming and handsome features...

Mew gives a small smile and a slight nod saying hello. Meanwhile, Sing, being the cheerful little guy that he is, greets Manaow back with, "Hello!"

Manaow grins. "Hi! What's your name?"

"Sing Suppasit!"

"Sing? That's a beautiful name~ Nice to meet you!"

Manaow looks back up to Mew. "Sir, do you have plans on letting your boy learn swimming?"

"Uhhh... I'm not sure actually. We are just exploring around to see what my son finds interesting."

"Ohhh, I see... Well, here's our sport's brochure." Manaow hands Mew a beautifully made brochure containing an overview of the age group, the price per season, class times, etc. As Manaow continues to talk to Mew about swimming, Sing wanders his eyes around and notices a familiar sight. Looking left and right, the mothers of some children along with a few female coaches and other staff can be seen staring and stealing glances at Mew. His tall figure with broad shoulders dressed from head to toe in a simple yet masculine fashion is certain to grab lots of attention.

Those people start whispering about Mew. "Look, look. It's Sing's father."

"Ooh it isss him!"

"Gosh, we only get to see him once in a while when there are important events at school."

"The school should hold events more often!"

"I agree~"

"Me too, me too."

Sing turns back to his dad and lightly tugs on Mew's sleeve. "Daddy... There are creepy women looking at you again~"

Mew gets alarmed, scans his surroundings quickly, and bends down to hush his son. "Sing, shhh. You can't say that. It's not nice."

Sing's mouth forms a little pout. Meanwhile, Manaow standing near can overhear their conversation.

Creepy indeed... But who am I to judge? Even I am getting flustered by his good looks...

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