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[Saturday, 1:30 pm]

Mew, Sing, and Gulf are spending a typical Saturday playing games together again. It has been almost a month since Mew and Gulf are together. And not surprisingly, Gulf has been spending more time staying over at Mew's than his own apartment.


Gulf thumbs stop controlling the joysticks and he turns to face the door.

"It must be the chicken!"

Mew smiles and pauses the game before Gulf hurriedly rushes to the door to accept the delivery.

Moments later, the smell of fried chicken fills the entire apartment.

Sing puts down his game controller and jumps up in excitement. "YAY! Chicken!!"

They all rush to the dinner table to open up the bags and immediately dig into the tender and flavorful meat.

Seeing how Sing had already messily gobbled down three wings, Gulf laughs and stands up to grab some napkins.

He walks back to cleanly wipe Sing's mouth and cheeks.

Mew smiles at the sight. "Singsing, say than--"

Sing suddenly speaks up. "I love you so much, P' Gulfie!"

Mew is shocked. "He-Hey! You're supposed to say thank you!"

Gulf turns to face Mew and laughs. "Why not? Saying I love you is a great way to say thank you too~"

Gulf ruffles Sing's hair and smiles. "I love you too~"

Then, he sits back down to continue eating.

Sing flashes a wide smile at his dad. "See~ I told you P' Gulfie loves me more!"

Mew puts down his chicken and grits his teeth in annoyance. "Come here, you little punk."

Sing squeals as Mew tickles the side of his body.

"You're just becoming more naughty and spoiled, you know that?!"

Sing continues giggling and squirming in his seat.

Gulf grins at them. "Okay, okay. That's enough, P' Mew. He needs to continue eating."

Mew listens to him and stops tickling his son. "Fine."

Suddenly, Gulf's phone rings, displaying Mild's caller ID.

Gulf quickly picks up. "Yes, P' Mild?"

"Ai' Gulf! Are you free tonight?"

Gulf grows curious. "Yes, P'."

"Great! There is a football team reunion later. You're coming, okay?"

Gulf glances at Mew before answering. "Uh.. sure, P'."

Mew stares back. Feeling confused, he mouths to Gulf. "What's wrong?"

Gulf lightly smiles and shakes his head to indicate nothing is wrong.

Mild continues speaking. "Alright! See you there later. I'll text you the address."

Gulf replies. "Okay, P' Mild. See you later."

Gulf hangs up his phone and puts it down.

Mew continues to look at Gulf. "Mild?"

Gulf nods. "Yeah. He said there is a team reunion later tonight. He asked me if I can go."

"Ohh.. so you're going?"

Gulf faintly smiles. "Should I not?"

Mew shakes his head. "No, I think you should. Go take a breather and socialize."

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