To You

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[2:30 pm]

Gulf speeds through traffic light after traffic light. He pleads for every light to be green so he can drive smoothly.

Please be okay, P' Mew..

A few drops of tears stream down his face unknowingly. Finally, he reaches the last intersection before entering the hospital's parking lot. He doesn't even bother to check if his car is straightly aligned in its parking space before he slams the car door and dashes inside the emergency room entrance.


Tul sits beside Mew's bed as he calmly scrolls through his phone while darting his eyes up once in a while to check if Mew has awoken. Finally, Mew's eyes start to slowly flutter open.

Tul quickly puts his phone down as he lightly places a hand on Mew's shoulder.

"Hey, you alright?"

Mew, feeling a bit groggy but glad that the pain he felt was gone, faintly smiles at Tul's concerned voice.

He answers in a raspy voice. "Yeah."

Tul breathes in relief. "Phew, that's good then. Well, continue to rest here. The doctor said you lost quite a bit of blood, but none of the cuts are life-threatening."

Mew nods as he quietly listens.

"Oh. You also had to get a few stitches on your right arm. So once you're discharged tonight, it's best for you to not do anything that would put pressure on it for a few days."

Mew frowns and is about to speak up, but Tul stops him.

"I'll take care of everything at the company. Just go home today and rest for this week, okay?"

Mew softly chuckles. "I guess it's not so bad to get hurt after all."

Tul pretends to make an annoyed face. "Seeing how you're able to joke around now means you're all better. Alright, time's up. Get out of this bed right now, mister."

Mew laughs.

However, Tul's face suddenly turns serious as he warns Mew in a stern voice. "Mew, don't you ever jump into such a dangerous situation like that again. If you had let me beat him up since the very beginning, none of this would have happened."

Mew remains silent for a while before speaking up again. "So.. what happened to him?"

"One of our employees called earlier saying that the police finally came and took him away. You don't have to worry about him anymore."

Mew nods and sighs in relief.

Suddenly, he remembers something. "Oh! Isn't it almost time for Sing to be home?"

Tul is startled. "Oh! ... Should I call Auntie Mai and ask if he can stay at her place for a few days?"

Mew frowns, not wanting to be apart from his son, but agrees. "Yeah.. that would be best... I don't want him to see--"

"P' MEW!!!"

Mew and Tul quickly shift their attention to Gulf, who has dashed up to the foot of Mew's hospital bed. He looks out of breath and there are even tears running down his face.

Mew's eyes widen. "G-Gulf.. what are you doing here??"

Gulf pauses in place for a bit to take in Mew's appearance. There is white bandage wrapped around the circumference of his head with some blood staining through it. His right arm is also heavily bandaged from his elbow to wrist.

Tul lightly smirks. "I'll go outside to call Auntie."

Tul leaves the room while Gulf hurriedly walks closer to stand right beside Mew.

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