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Once football practice ends, Gulf tells Sing to stay behind while the rest of the other boys leave for home. After a few minutes of waiting until the last boy leaves, Sing grows uneasy. Sing shuffles his feet and twiddles his fingers.

Sing slowly looks up at Gulf. "P' Gulfie...? Am I in trouble.."

Gulf looks at Sing's big, almost teary eyes.

Ugh. This little boy is just way too adorable!

Gulf chuckles and ruffles Sing's hair. "Sing, you're not in trouble~ I'm taking you home today!"

Sing's eyes grow wide. "REALLY??"


Sing is about to jump around happily until he realizes something. "Wait.. Where is Auntie?"

"Auntie is busy with her little niece today. So, I will take you home instead."

"Oh.. OKAY!"

Gulf smiles and takes Sing's hand. "Alright, let's go!"

Sing skips along with Gulf to the parking lot. When Gulf opens the car door to let Sing in. Sing grows confused.

"Uhm.. P' Gulfie?"


"Where's the car seat?"


Shit! I forgot Sing is not old enough to sit as a regular passenger...


Sing waits patiently and stares up at Gulf's eyes that are wandering around thinking hard.

Gulf finally thinks of a plan. "Sing! Have you ever rode on the bus before?"

Sing shakes his head while his eyes sparkle. "No. But I want to go!"

"You do? That's great to hear! Alright, I'll have you sit right next to me and make sure you don't fall off the seat, okay?"

Sing smiles and happily nods. "Let's go on the bus, P' Gulfie!!"

Gulf grins and walks with Sing to a nearby bus station as he leaves his car behind at the school's parking lot.

After a straight 15 minutes of holding Sing tightly to the seat, they finally reach a bus stop near Mew's apartment. Gulf and Sing step off.


Gulf tiredly chuckles. "I'm glad~"

"Alright, let's walk a few more steps to your apartment area."

Sing looks ahead and recognizes the tall, brown building of his apartment. "It's right there, P' Gulfie!"

Gulf looks at where Sing's finger points. "Oh really? Okay, let's go!"

They race each other to the entrance while laughing their heads off. They step into the building and head toward the elevator. Once inside, Sing automatically presses the button to the 8th floor. Gulf smiles to himself after seeing this.

P' Mew taught his son well.

After getting off the elevator, Gulf doesn't need to do anything because Sing finds the way to the apartment door and even punches in the passcode. Gulf smiles again.

Gulf and Sing step inside the apartment.

"Welcome, P' Gulfie!"


Gulf is awed at how the interior of the apartment looks like. Everything is so neat and clean. The main colors are mainly white and dark gray. The dark gray couch in the living room looks huge and comfy. In front of it, is a plain, black screen TV. The walls are all white, making the whole apartment look bright and calming. A few paintings of artistic structures are seen hanging on the walls. Gulf can also spot some tall, simple metal-looking structures aligned near the windows.

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