Long Time No See

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After finally calming down, Mew thanks Gulf and leaves to go home. Once in his car, Mew sits still for a few minutes to relax a little more. He checks his watch.

Shit... It's already 7:30 pm.

Right before he could ignite the car engine, his phone's text notification rings. Mew unlocks his phone to see the new message that turns out to be from Tul.

"Hey bro. Everything okay??"

"Yeah, I'm fine."

"You sure? We can go for a quick drink if you want to talk it out."

"I'm really okay. Going to be Sing's bedtime soon. I gotta go home now."

"Alright, whatever you wish... Just call me whenever you need to, okay?"

Mew smiles. "Thanks bro."


Mew puts away his phone then starts his car to head home without realizing that he was being watched from another man in his own car a few parking spots away...

Gulf sits in his car patiently waiting for Mew to leave first. He could see that Mew is still trying to get his emotions together. After a couple of minutes, Mew finally leaves the parking lot. Gulf's eyes trail after the car.

I hope he's alright...

[8:10 pm]

Mew opens the door to his apartment. In the living room, he immediately spots Auntie Mai sitting on the couch with Sing falling asleep in her arms. With the sound of his dad's footsteps, Sing wakes up and cries again while running to Mew's arms.


Mew bends down and hugs Sing tight in his arms. He softly shushes his son while gently rocking the tiny body back and forth.

"Shhh.. shh. It's okay, Singsing. Daddy's here."

Auntie Mai stands up and worriedly glances at Mew.

"Is it really her?"

Mew looks up at Auntie Mai and sadly nods.

Auntie Mai frowns. "What does she want?"

Mew sighs. "It's nothing much, Auntie... It's getting quite late. You should get home before it gets too dark. Thank you so much for today."

Auntie Mai is about to say something else but she stops herself. She can see how tired Mew already is.

"Alright, I'll head home. Just don't think too much, okay?"

"Yes, Auntie. Thank you."

Auntie Mai quietly leaves the apartment while Mew still holds Sing in his arms. Sing calms down as his loud sobs start turning to soft, occasional sniffs. He stares at his dad with eyes still wet.

"Daddy...? Who was she?"

Mew's pain starts coming back as he stares into Sing's sad eyes. Mew makes up his mind.

It's now or never... Sing has got to know about her someday anyway..

"Sing.. She is your mom..."

Sing feels a bit shocked and replies in a tiny voice. "Really??"

Mew faintly smiles and nods. "She just.. wanted to say hi and see how you were doing."

Sing frowns. "Oh.."

"Singsing.. were you okay with meeting her today?"

Sing remains silent and thinks for a while. Finally, instead of answering Mew's question, Sing asks another question.

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