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[5:00 pm]

After their little date, Mew and Gulf are on their way to Auntie's apartment. Mew wanted to go pick him up because he was already starting to miss his little boy, especially after buying those new shoes for him.

After parking Gulf's car in a parking spot, Mew quietly exits the driver seat and heads to the other side.

He opens the passenger door to see Gulf sleeping while comfortably leaning back on the headrest.

Mew smiles and slowly leans in to shortly kiss the younger's forehead.

The light touch awakens Gulf.

Mew pulls back. "Aow, sorry to wake you. You can keep sleeping, Tua-eng. I will be right back after picking up Sing."

Gulf rubs his eyes and stretches his arms.

Then he shakes his head. "No, P'. I want to come along. I can say a quick hello to Auntie too."

Mew smiles. "Okay."

Gulf takes off his seatbelt and steps out the car.

Then, they both enter the apartment building to head toward Auntie's floor.

It takes a couple of rings before Auntie finally opens the door.

Her eyes widen. "Oh! What are you two doing here?"

Mew smiles. "I wanted to pick--"


Sing's quick footsteps can soon be heard and he crashes right into Mew's arms.

Mew laughs. "Singsing~"

Gulf warmly smiles at the cute boy and can't help but to reach out a hand and ruffle the fluffy, messy hair.

Sing looks up. "P' Gulfie!"

He quickly wiggles out of Mew's hug and goes to wrap his arms around Gulf's leg instead.

"Why are you here?"

Gulf chuckles and bends down to pick up Sing into his arms. "I'm here to pick you up too."

Mew stands beside them feeling baffled by his own son preferring to hug Gulf over him.

Auntie softly chuckles while nudging Mew on the arm.

She whispers to him. "I told you he's the one."

Mew turns to face her and flashes a contented smile. "I think so too."

[7:00 pm]

Gulf's car finally makes its last stop at Mew's apartment area. Sing had quietly fallen asleep in the back seat of the car.

Mew turns his head to face Gulf.

"Thank you for all you've done."

Gulf smiles. "No problem, P' ...oh! I will come take Sing and you to school and work on Monday."

Mew shakes his head. "It's fine, Tua-eng. We can take a taxi."

Gulf frowns. "No, I want to take you. I'm free that day anyway."

Mew is about to protest, but suddenly Gulf leans in to give him a quick peck on the lips.

Gulf pulls back and puts on his pleading voice. "Please~~ P' Meewww~"

Mew curses under his breath.

Suddenly, he pounces over to the other side of the car and pushes Gulf back against the headrest. Without any second to waste, he crashes his lips onto Gulf's.

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