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[Tuesday, 1:26 pm]

After tapping the snooze button on his phone for the fourth time, Gulf finally sits up from his bed with his eyes still shut closed.

Ugh... I'm so sleepy..

Gulf takes in a deep breath then opens his eyes. He stands up and slowly walks to his bathroom to wash up. As he lazily brushes his teeth while closing his eyes again, Gulf thinks over the warm-up drills that he will have the new boys do for their first day.

Running... maybe I should test their stamina first.. Kicking the ball back and forth between partners can also be good...

After washing up, Gulf re-enters his bedroom to pick out another one of his soccer uniforms that he wears almost every day. With most of his colors still dirty in the laundry, Gulf picks a simple black one and puts it on.

He exits his bedroom to head to the kitchen for something light to eat. Looking inside his nearly empty fridge, Gulf settles for the leftover burger and fries that he bought yesterday. Halfway through the burger, his phone rings on the dining table. Gulf picks up the call.

"Hi, sweetie! Are you awake yet?"

Gulf smiles. "Yeah. I'm about to go coach my football team."

"That's great! My shift ends early today. Shall I come and visit?"

"Uhh... there's not really much you can do.. besides distracting the little boys with your beauty."

Puifai giggles through the phone. "Gulf! There you go again with that smooth talk~"

Gulf chuckles. "Of course, you can come! I miss you anyway~"

"We just saw each other on Sunday!"

"Two days is a loooong time."

Puifai laughs. "Okay, sweetie~ I'll see you soon!"

"See ya, babe."

Gulf smiles then places the phone back on the table. His relationship with Puifai has been going smoothly for the past six months. He is happy that they are still staying strong..

He finishes the rest of his bread then checks the clock: 1:50 pm.

Alright. Just enough time for me to get there early to get ready.

Gulf rushes to the kitchen sink to wash his hands. After grabbing his car keys on the living room table, he exits his apartment to head to the elementary school.

[1:58 pm]

Mew checks his watch. Realizing the time, he quickly tidies up the paperwork he was in the middle of working on and stands up from his chair. Grabbing his car keys, Mew heads out to the office hallway toward another room that is just a few doors away. Mew briefly knocks the door and enters before waiting for a response.

"Hey, Tul. I--"

Mew looks at the man behind the desk whose face is fully engrossed on the computer screen in front of him.

"--what are you so concentrated on?"

Tul finally notices the new presence in his room and looks up. "Huh? Oh, nothing. Just looking for a new gym that's popular right now."

"Oh? I thought you were fine with the usual place you go to."

"Nahh. The women there flirt too much and I'm getting tired of it. Last week, even one of the male trainers tried to hit on me..."

"Oh... Well, I hope you find one then. Alright, I'll be heading out a bit. It's Sing's first day at football practice, so I want to see if everything's fine."

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