Monday Morning

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[Monday, 5:58 am]



The loud ringtone causes Mew to shift around on his bed a couple of times, tiredly grunting here and there before he finally sits up and reaches for his phone. The moment he presses the answer button, an annoying, sing-songy voice rushes to his ears.

"RISE AND SHINE~ Morning Mew!"

Mew grunts again and answers groggily. "What is it, Tul?"

"I just got a call from a new client! She comes from quite a decent company. I think we might be getting a great deal this time, Mew!!"


"Huh?" Tul answers confusingly.

Mew sighs. "You had to wake me up this early just to tell me that? I was still--"


Mew's alarm next to his bed sounded right when it turned 6:00 am. Mew stops in the middle of his sentence to reach over and click the stop button.

Tul chuckles through the phone. "See! You would be waking up in a few minutes anyway. Don't you like hearing your dear friend's voice as an alarm once in a while?"

Mew rolls his eyes. "Whatever... Gather up more information about her and the project. I'll meet you at the firm once I drop Sing off to school."

"Aye-aye sir! How's your little boy doing by the way? It's been long since this Uncle Tul has last seen him."

Mew lightly smiles. "He's doing fine. Today's the start of the new fall season, so I thought it'd be cool to enroll him in a sport for fun."

"That's a great idea, Mew! Can't wait to see the next Eden Hazard in the making!"

Mew chuckles. "It's not for sure that he'll play football."

"Oh? Then what sport are you planning to have him play?"

"Not sure... I'll just walk him around and see what interests him."

"Honestly, you are such a model dad. Letting your child have his own choices... I want to be like you, Mew!"

A surge of sadness that Mew hasn't felt in a while faintly appears through his eyes. Mew quickly shakes the thought away and grins. "Well, we gotta see if someone is willing to bear your child first."

"Hey hey hey!! Go knock on wood! How dare you curse my future wife!"

Mew laughs. "Alright, bye! I'll see you later."

"See ya!"

Mew hangs up the call and places his phone back on the table beside his bed. He glances at his clock: 6:10 am. He's got about a half-hour left before he wakes up Sing.

Ugh, the urge to just lay back down in bed...

Mew makes one final groan and stands up. Laying back down would just make him oversleep. He heads to the bathroom that is just one door to the right of his bedroom. He uses the toilet, takes a shower, and brushes his teeth. After he is done with everything, Mew goes back into his bedroom and scans through his closet.

Hmm... What should I wear today..

Mew decides to settle for black slacks along with a gray button-up shirt. After rolling up his sleeves a few times, tucking in his shirt, and quickly fixing his hair, Mew heads over to the room that is just a little further down the hall.

He quietly opens the door of his little Sing's room and tiptoes inside. He goes straight toward the curtains to let in some sunshine. Feeling the sudden light hit his tiny face, Sing squirms beneath his fluffy quilt. Mew stares at his son adoringly. The small body resting peacefully on the elephant-themed bed and those chubby fingers hugging tightly onto his favorite lion stuffed animal add more to his son's irresistible loveliness. Mew bends down and kisses Sing's forehead.

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