Inching Closer

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[Thursday, 1:00 pm]

The hellish looking man, with long, sloppy hair let loose along the sides of his face, an unkempt beard, and bloodshot eyes, staggers along the road while a few pedestrians dare not to look at him straight in the eyes. He passes by a couple buildings and spots a lone girl sitting at a bench waiting for her bus. He approaches while eyeing her bag that is slung around her shoulder and waist.

The sound of his hoarse yet aggressive voice scares the girl to jump a few inches above her seat.

"Hey, darling. Give me some money, will ya?"

After making eye contact then quickly turning her head away to avoid his murderous gaze, the girl clutches tightly onto her bag. The man angrily grits his teeth when noticing her reluctance. He proceeds to get closer to her but is stopped by a kind passerby, who happened to appear at the right time.

"HEY! Leave her alone!"

The man jerks his head backward to face whoever interrupted him. He smirks resignedly after noticing the other man's broad and powerful figure.

Whatever. I'll go get some money eventually..

The ghastly man, who is currently in the coming stages of a drug withdrawal, continues to stagger at an uneven pace further along the road. When finally reaching his destination, he stares up at the huge sign, reading "MT Structures", plastered proudly onto the front of the company building. A wicked grin flashes across his dark, haggard face.


After coming back from his short lunch break, Mew has been spending the past hour scrolling through bills and contracts on his computer while making a few important calls with clients. The last couple of days have been quiet and routine ever since the football celebration dinner on Sunday. A small smile always appears on Mew's face every now and then when he thinks back to Gulf's sudden phone call that Sunday night.

He's a snorer.

A loud, vicious voice interrupts his thoughts and causes him to bolt up from his seat.

"MEW SUPPASIT! I know you're in there! COME OUT HERE NOW!!"

Mew immediately dashes out his office. He meets a running Tul right outside his door.

Tul's face is full of alarm. "What's happening?"

Mew shakes his head. "I don't know. Let's go see."

The two CEOs rush out to the front office to see their employees standing from their seats fully alert while facing an ominous man, who has positioned himself right in the middle of the room.

His face breaks into an evil smirk the moment he spots Mew entering the room.

Mew stops in his tracks while the color slowly drains from his face.


Mew whispers in terror. "It's Ben..."

Tul's eyes widen after hearing the name. He remembers Mew telling him about his last encounter with that freaky bastard.

Tul clenches his fist and is about to storm forward to knock some sense into the man but Mew stops him.

".. Let's see... what he has to say first."

Tul frowns in frustration at Mew's stupidity but continues to walk alongside Mew as they both approach closer to face Ben.

Ben, who is now shaky, restless, and infuriated because of his withdrawal, loudly growls.

"MONEY!! Hand me money!"

Judging by the his appearance, Mew can already tell where all that money will end up going toward.

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