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"we have arrived at the destination, sir." the taxi driver stated. Jungkook took a sigh to the side of him since he was the only one managing to keep his eyes open. his arm was wrapped around the sound asleep girl that panted to his comfortable shoulder. "thanks, but I don't have any change with me at the moment, can you give me a ticket to pay it online?" he said. the taxi driver smiled to the small rear mirror in front of him, "the ride is already prepaid by someone already. he was the one who also told me to wait for you guys. don't worry." he responded.

Jungkook nodded with the thought of Jaebum paying for the taxi ride. he grabs the car handle and set the door open before stepping out of the car. then he snakes his other arm under her knee and carried her out of the car. apparently, he didn't take her to his apartment but to the owned place that he had once kidnapped her into and the place where he and Na-rin have finished paying for. 

he walked up the step, carefully measuring each and every angel of things that could harm her. she was sound asleep but she could hear Jungkook unlocking, closing, walking, and placing her onto the big king-sized bed. he tucked her in, smiling while he runs his fingertips to fix her baby hair out of the way. "get some rest." he mumbles softly to her. 

entering the bathroom, he took off his hospital shirt that has now been dried. he slowly unwraps the bandages around his wrist and chest with the seen of heavily stained blood. he closes his eyes and panted onto the sink counter when the last wrap was stick onto the torn flesh of his surgery. making squeals he turned reached for the door and closed it shut so he didn't wake Jennie up. 

he switched on the water and then fastly but gently separate the unhealed wound from the bandages that were blood stick to the surface. he threw the bandages away and used a towel to wipes his back but he couldn't reach it as his hand wasn't that flexible to be able to.

"let me do it," Jennie held onto his hand and with the other side, she took the warm damp towel away from him. "I thought you were sleeping?" "I had some sleep in the car already," she responded, glaring towards him in the reflection of the mirror. he smiled, "I got it, you should-"

"I'm sorry!" she confronted, tackling him from behind. he wasn't ready and so it took him by surprise as his foot moved a step forward. but when her arm swings around his topless waist and tightly hook on with a grip, he felt a gush of warmth from behind. he even wondered if she was okay. "I'm sorry, I was stupid for trying to kill myself. I felt useless and horrible and so I thought my disappearances would be the only solution. but I only hurt you more." she frowned with her cheek against his back. 

he dropped a smile unwrapping her hand just to hold onto them when he turned back to face her. "it's okay, I don't blame you and I never will," he searches for her eyes yet there wasn't any hence she was busy frowning and regretting her action. he flashes another smile and wraps her around his waist. he wrapped an arm around her shoulders and pulled her close, gently rubbing her arm. 

despite the heaviness in her stomach, it fluttered at the feeling of her body pressed against his. she sunk into the warmth of his side, appreciative of the simple gesture. his touch made the room warmer somehow, his hug comforted every ounce of her soul and tells her that he was with her, that it's okay to break for once.

she smiled, snuggling into his comfortable arms, "but" he interrupted waiting for her to notice, "you have to promise me that no matter what happens from now on, you'll stand strong like how you did back then, alright?" he stroke her hand behind her shoulder. 

she looked up removing her hug, "no, not until you finish making up for what you did." she pouted, twirling his around and uncarefully wipes harshly on his wound. "ah!! is that a rock you're using?!" he kneeled backing away from her towards the toilet seats. she threw a couple of laughs before covering her mouth with her hand. he watches her laugh as she was enjoying this. 

CHAINED HEART ― JenkookWhere stories live. Discover now