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Jennie picked up her phone from the silky bedsheets before scrolling through her called contact just to get a hold of Chaeyoung, who was located on the other side of the hotel room. she threw her showering towel onto the chair that was nearby while she went to stand towards the large window that faced the ocean of her clear reflection against the dark night. she was now back at her hotel room. "yes?" Chaeyoung answered with a soft and sleepy voice. she have to open one of her eyes to look at the clock for the time, 12:08am midnight.

"Chaeyoung ah, remember when my mother handed me a yellow envelope? after the incident?" Jennie asked in full awake and hopeful. Chaeyoung sat up from the sleeping position and scratched her head, releasing a yawn before responding, "yes, I remember. why?" 

"where is it?" Jennie asked more quietly. "I'm not sure-  I think Jaebum had took it, tried asking him." she replied and and soon came to an agreement of Jennie hanging up. Chaeyoung knocked off again in just a second after shutting her phone. 

Jennie dialed Jaebum's number and he picked up within the second ringed. "hello?" he answered in the sweetest tone before she interrupted him, "what are you doing today?" she looked at the clock that was going to tick into morning. "I have to welcome in our partnership leader from abroad today, why?" he smirked in triumph, never thought that Jennie will give him a called this late. his smile soon filled his face in motionless glee. "6:00 pm tonight - at seoul plazza, I need to talk to you." she set the time and hung up without letting him agree to it. she wanted him to come and that was what matters. 


"I'm coming back today, don't worry." Jungkook said as he sat by the beach dock with his leg hanging, kicking in boredom while talking on the phone with Jimin. "did you by chance see the news today?" Jimin concernedly asked Jungkook who barely check the news anymore. "no and I don't want to-"

"check it, it has something to do with aunty Joo too. I'll hang up so you can check it." he informed Jungkook and hung up with the quietest, troubling, voice. it was 8:00 am and the sun has already came behind the unsettle pushed of clear large waves. after the heavy rain last night, the sun haven't claim defeated yet. the clouds chased each other across the blue soaring sky of summer love. it was around the time where news and reports would be put upon those sites of news and television. 

but he could care less as he snuck his phone into his pocket and lay down on his back against the dirty dock board of Na-rin's favorite sitting spot. covering his doey eyes with the muscular arm of his, he blocked it from hitting the strong hurtful wavelight while his mind went as blank and clean as a sheet of white paper. somehow he was starting to puzzle out Na-rin's unfamiliar face and could no longer smell the scent of her presence. he doubt it would be because of he have finally moved on, maybe he's just too overstress on not finding any evidences to get her justice.

thinking about Na-rin, his mind laid right on to going back to seoul for the first day of his dream job. in the first time ever, he never felt so heavy weighted on himself. he have always dream of becoming a lawyer but yet it doesn't feel right about becoming one. or was it because of what Jennie has been telling him all along? of course, he never let her energy gets to him but just yesterday of the small mistake he made - it bothers him to even stand in front of her again. 

only when he covered and let his eyes into the darkness, his ear became aware of the multiple screaming voices that was happening from the side of the beach area. he give it a few minutes for the people to stop talking but nothing was going as he awaits. instead he got up from his resting position and took out his phone. he checked the news that was trending real time on naver and saw photos of Jennie. she was on the floor outside of Floury bakery, aunty Joo's shop. he read across the headlines, "Popular stars Jennie Kim spotted outside a bakery shop in Busan, on the ground helplessly.

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