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"Welcome, President Kang!" Jaebum compressed his hand together in front of him and bow down to the oversea alliance of their company. a long awaited greeting was finally given but yet nothing good came form it except for the company's boost. he has been worried ever since Jennie disappearance, this time causing her current drama filming to be put on holds and netizens to be angry at their only star but mostly at him. however with that, he still manage to stand in front of building with such pride and smiles, waiting for her. his men and staff workers behind him quickly greeted her in unison, "Welcome, President Kang!" 

"you're too polite, CEO Jaebum" she said while folding off her dark shaded sun glass with a grin of a perfect red bloodstain lips. her black eyeliner fling sharply off her smokey double eyelid, nearly meeting ends with her high arched draw on, ash brown, thin eyebrows. her short black bob hairstyle bounces as she tilt her head happily at him for becoming such a successful man. but she notice his tiring dark face, taking her by another conclusion on how much he was overworking that his dark eye bags couldn't be covered in the naturalist foudation. he politely raised up to give her the smartest smile in which compliment his dark blue suit that he had on today, "the airplane must of have been tough - please go ahead to rest." his smile never left as he pointed out his hand to show the elevator that dinged open.

she snorted looking around the workers, ignoring his guide for a moment, "by the way where is that brat? don't tell me she's still the same ever since her father dig his own grave." his grin dropped as he clench the jaws suppressing them together for self restraining, "she's out today for some business, sorry if you were looking forward to seeing her-"

"who said I wanted to see her?" she cut him off with a sharp grin that could cut anyone into half, "it's you who I wanted to see." she said patting the side of his shoulder as if the suit was full of dusty. she proceed to fixing his uneven neck tie, making him jerk his face to the side. he was sure that he neatly had it on. by her doing that, she was trying to provoked him. her very own personal bodyguard click open another elevator for her to go, "get in" she said in which she click her high inch black heel into the lifting machine. she was still the same, rude and ignorant towards other especially Jennie. bold and ill-mannered. 

"I don't care what you do, bring Jennie back by tonight. or I'll get rid of all of you." Jaebum ordered his men in mumbles, whom nodded in unison and skipped out of the building, leaving just him alone.

he fixed his face up into a kind approachable one and followed Kang Mi-sun into the elevator of where she lean back with arm crossed on her chest waiting, "It's been a while, I can't believe you still like that ignorant brat." she muttered out to him, despite her bodyguard there. he pressed on the very top floor level button of the elevator, ignoring her. it was the only way to make her stop talking about such things within the business they have. "Im Jaebum, you did an amazing job of making her the most popular star out here in Seoul... despite the ugly past she had."


a thin frost of cold wind uplifted onto Jennie's skin as she slept on the bamboo bed without a blanket or any proper pillowing. the wind became stronger and colder waking her up with a yawn and hand stretch. sitting up on the bed, she notice how enlighten the shelter is coating with sun rays of white and brown, seeing everything so clearly. she brushes her hair back and looked around, perceiving the old abandon shelter from last night and what she was still sitting on. 

nothing has change but she realize she was the only one within the cold, left alone, shelter "Jungkook?" she mumble out his name while leveling both of her legs from the creaking bamboo bed down onto the dry brown dirt ground. "Jungkook, where are you?" she called out again but every corners was empty and no human sound was heard except for the skeptical breathing of hers and the nature of her surroundings. she was busy looking around the empty space until her feet standing bothered her. her eyes darted down to her feet, only to find a thin white cloth that wraps around the middle of where the cut of the rock was. 

CHAINED HEART ― JenkookWhere stories live. Discover now