Cold blood

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(It's better to read this book in black mode)

Ash POV:

Looking through this scope I feel the silence that I'm consumed with everytime i get this experience.

Clenching my clip while I'm set up two building's away from my target. I take a breath and count.


I always interrupt my counting there's not gonna be a count down when I have to shoot back at people so why should I allow myself to get comfortable with hesitation.

I can't afford hesitation, hesitation gets you killed. I haven't hesitated since I was 13. Luckily my opponent made the exact same and it costed him his life.

The body falls over and the strippers around that old piece of trash start to scream and cry like they haven't seen a little blood.

They evidently haven't but it's always fun to watch white girls get upset and disoriented so why not have a little fun.

By now I'm at the ware house.

I walk in catching the eye of my colleagues not any of them dare to glare at me  because they know that a look could get a grenade down there throat.

I walk in the offices seeing my boss siting in a chair. Him not even looking up because he's scared of me too.

"The job is done."

"Good work ash" he then puts a duffle bag on the desk. Probably filled with at least two mill. Something light.

I'm the best assassin in this bitch. I get a whole lot of dough for knocking off big time drug dealers and business men. Doesn't matter though there all mostly racist white men ir pedophiles.

And even if there not I don't care. I don't have feelings. I don't have time for feelings.

Feeling get you killed.

The only person that could get feelings out of me is my best friend nay and even then there's still a coldness to me.

I don't have time for girls or love. All I do is chase the bag and that's it.

My parents told me before they were murdered that u can't he what you want you can be what your good at.

And I'm really fucking good at killing people so after I decapitated the people that took my parents away I took the job that my boss offered me.

Venom incorporated. A place the best assassins work, me being the best of them all.

People underestimated me because I was a young female. Little did they know I would be the deadliest assassin in the world by 15 years old,starting at 13 years old.

My boss then put a folder on the desk next to the bag.

"What's this"

"It's your next assignment go ahead open it" he said pushing the folded a bit.

I look at him then the folder and pick it up I'm opening it and he starts explaining my new target.

"Her name is Bonnie Hernandez, she runs a huge drug cartel and they say she's impossible to hit so they personally ordered you if you kill her you get 20 mill and in Atlanta your flight leaves tomorrow."

"Where's the picture?" I say looking through her files cause there is no picture.

"That's the problem she doesn't show her face meaning you have to get close to her to off her."

I go to exit with the folder and duffel bag but he stops me.

"Oh and be careful you guys have a similar reputation." She said with i warning look.

This should be fun. I get to kill someone as crazy as me. Hopefully she's ugly so this could be much more enjoyable.

I look at him with a warm smile and then say what I always say after he gives me my assignments.

"Cold blood" I say this while doing a gun motion.
Please please please tell me if y'all like it or I should just drop it

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