Her Mistake

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Ash POV:

Sitting on the couch right now and I'm chilling on my phone. Everyone's gone except for me and Bonnie.

Bonnie is just coming from the kitchen yapping about how I ate something of hers.

"Ash are u even listening to me?"

"No not really."

"Well I asked did u eat my pickles that were in the fridge."

"And if I did what are you going to do about it."
I say standing up.

She begins to walk towards me and I quickly take out my gun pointing it at her.

"You might not wanna come closer."

She pauses for a second but then continues to walk towards me.

She then come right up to my ear and whispers something.

"You know you always look so sexy when you grip that gun right." she says as she starts to suck on my neck and I almost immediately drop my gun on the floor.

I can't help but let out multiple moans cause it's like she already knows my body.

"Baby you so sexy." She says kissing all over my neck and gripping my ass.

"Mhmm b-Bonnie I'm your ahh assistant."  I say trying to fight the urge to moan.

"It's daddy to you ain't that right princess." She says gripping my neck making me look at her.

"Yes daddy" I say feeling like I'm in a trance.

She then kisses me again and then u feel myself wake up in a sweat.

I'm panting and I'm a mess and I'm so wet right now from my dream about bonnie.

God why me. This is not supposed to happen. Your supposed to kill her and then be done with it and move on with your life. But I can't get her out of my head.

Bonnie then enters the room and see me sitting up and sweating and quickly drops whatever was in her hands and runs over to me with such concern in her eyes.

"Are you ok, did u have another bad dream." She says says looking so concerned on my well being.

She care's? About me? No that's not right Bonnie Hernandez doesn't care about anyone. Nobody cares about me. Idk but for some reason she makes me feel loved I never got the chance to experience that. Well I did but I didn't miss it until it was too late.

I have no idea what has gotten into me but I grabbed her face and our lips crashed together.

Bonnie seemed surprised by my actions but soon eased into the kiss.

She then grabbed the back of my neck and pushed me more into the kiss.

Her lips were so soft and plump. She tasted like strawberries. I think im in love with the taste of strawberries now.

The kiss turned into a full make out session and she ended up putting her tounge in my mouth and boy did I enjoy it.

I quickly realized what I was doing and who I was sharing this magical experience with a I quickly pulled away.

Bonnie just stood up and look at me with eyes that showed sadness and confusion.

"This was a mistake I'm so sorry." Bonnie said before she rushed out the room.

A mistake? Did she really mean that? I knew she could never feel the same way about me I'm her assistant. Fuck this I was a fool for even let myself to think of her in that way in the first place.

Feelings get you killed remember that. I have no room for feelings.

Bonnie's POV:

God why did she kiss me. Why did I love it so much. I actually felt something in that kiss. I felt love and passion.

I put all my feelings into that kiss just to tell her it was a mistake.

It wasn't a mistake, it was the best kiss I've ever experienced.  I could have did that all day without getting tired.

Ashley is really something special. The look in her eyes when she kills is so sexy and adorable.

She gets the same rush I do when I shoot or kill. She just as crazy as me and ive never met anyone that can bitch me like she does.

She really just understands me and knows how to keep me in check.

It feels nice to know that I'm not the one in charge all the time. Surly she doesn't take no for an answer.

But am I really ready to give up other girls and tie myself down.

No but if it means to be with ash then so be it because I've come to the conclusion that I love her and she's the only women that will ever understand my crazy ass.

I get up from my bed and all this thinking and I exit my room I previously ran into and go to my fathers office.

I know and he says I can come in.

I go in there and sit in a chair across from him and say theses words.

"I found my cly."

He just looks at me surprised.

"And who may that be." He says sounding intrigued.

"You know who."
Hey guys thanks for the support and I'm not taking a break anymore because I realize that I am a pretty confident person and it was silly to even consider anything they were saying is true. So regular updates will be posted and stuff and you guys let me know what you want to happen or you think will happen.❤️ Tell me how you like the story so far. Sorry for the short chapter.

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