That beautiful face in a body bag ✨

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Nikki POV:

I wake up for school refreshed and rejuvenated. This morning I feel great.

I hop in the shower, wash up and then get out and do all my other morning stufff.

I do my hair throw on some hoodie and sweat pants and head out the house off to school.

When u get there I walk in the hallways with my head down because I really don't fuck with people like that.

I make it to my locker getting my books out before it being slammed in my face.

Lord give me the strength today

I turn to see Taylor Johnson. What does she even want.

I've always found her attractive but she's popular and I'm not so she would never notice me.

Plus every girl in this place falls all over her and her goons. Her goons being steph and sin.

Both equally attractive but nothing close to fine ass tay. I know she's not with stud on stud so what could she possibly want.

"Hey gumwad." She says looking at me in pure disgust.

"Excuse me." I say confused as why she's talking to me.

"You heard me" she said lifting me up by my shirt slamming me into the locker hurting my back on impact.

"Fuck tay what do you want." I say wincing in pain because of my back.

"I don't have to answer to you bitch." She says cleaning her jaw o so sexy.

Why is this girl still attractive while she's messing with me. Lord I got issues.


"Watch your back bitch." She's basically growls at me letting me go making me fall on my ass.

Through out the rest of the day every class I had with her she would throw paper balls at me and just bother me.

I guess she let sin and steph know what the deal was cause they began harassing me aswell.

For the rest of the week she left terrible notes in my locker about how ugly and worthless I was.

She said I was stupid, dumb, disgusting, unworthy and all of the above.

I don't know what I did wrong.

Did I upset her? What the hell did I do?

She would bother me every single day for what reason? I have no idea.

I can't tell tayk cause she's crazy. I can't tell my sister because she's crazy too.

And I can't tell Ashley because she would kill tay and I'd hate to see that beautiful face in a body bag.

I don't wish death on people never have never will. I couldn't do that to tay.

I caught myself kinda liking her but obviously the feeling isn't mutual like at all.

I kinda deserve it. What ever I did it had to piss her off bad because she treats me like shit.

Usually she would smile at me but never really tried to seduce me like all the other girls in this school.

She had almost every feminine girl in this bitch on their hands and knees for her.

I guess I wasn't her type.

Or like she would say it I'm too "ugly for someone"

She hasn't beat me up yet but I'm sure she wouldn't knock the idea of it.

She doesn't let sin or steph touch me physically only she's allowed to do that.

Some boys saw tay making fun of me and thought it would be funny to throw a binder at me, leaving a bruise under my left eye.

After school behind the building I was spying and watched her beat them to a pulp.

I wonder why she did That.

How the hell do you gatekeep bulling someone? Make it make sense.

She doesn't let anyone fuck with me unless its her steph or sin and even then she would check sin and steph for the shit they said.

Tay treated me like her own personal punching bag. Like I was for her to mess with and her only.

She went ape shit crazy the other day when steph said she was weird for gatekeeping bulling me. She went off. Like screaming and yelling.

Of course I wasn't caught in the cross fire because yk I was hiding behind a garbage can.

Steph said and I quote "how come you can have fun with her but we can't. If u wanna bullying her that's cool but Imma try and fuck her cause u can't deny she lowkey fine."

After that sentence Tay had her in a choke had so fast I didn't see that shit coming.

Tay lost her shit.

The anger in Tays face was so evident. It scared me so I ran away after that.

It's like she's my bully but my protector at the same time. The protects me from the other mean popular people in the school but after that she's bullies me herself.

She's an asshole to me but I can't bring myself to hate her. 

Like really I tried like genuinely tried to hate that girl but the Universe said nope.

Sure the shit she says to me is degrading but I don't believe her.

I know I'm fucking fine 😂

But I can't begin to understand why me. Why she wanna mess with me.

The one time she glanced my way was when she told me I was sitting in her seat and even then I didn't protest.

I've never really been a target for bullies und tay started fucking with me.

It's like they all wanted a piece of me after that but tay made it clear to the whole school that if they fuck with me, they have to answer to her which is overall strange in my eyes.

Alot of the females doing like me now because they take her bullying me in this type of way as protection. Like what?

Who the hell gone try to make the most of being thrown against a locker every day.

Alot of them thinks she likes me but I don't get why. Who bullys their crush out of the blue fit no reason at all.

Like some of theses females are really Bird's.

But they know the can't really fuck with me because tays weird ass.

And with all this shit happening it still never managed to get around to tayk.

Thank the Lord 🙏
Ok guys ok y'all probably like cut the bullshit out we want to see what happening with bonnie and cly. Yeah yeah yeah Ik😂 I just had to write those two chapters to open the window for the sequel I already started writing. The book that I was writing before Bonnie and cly but stopped because it would make more sense to write this one. Oh yeah and it's almost Valentines day y'all. Yk I just had a break up but that perfectly okay cause I will be going out with my friends and this girl I'm talking to bye y'all 💅🤪

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