Dont end up a corspe

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2 weeks later......

Bonnie POV:

"Hey ugly when we going to Detroit," I said washing the dishes with one airpod in my ear.

"First of all your the ugly one, two how did u even know we flying to Detroit?"

"You wasn't saying that when you were gagging on this dick," I say pretending to guide an imaginary head down and have her eyes rolling back. After this motion, I break into a fit of laughter.

Only to be stopped by ash giving me a death glare. I immediately stopped laughing and began to look down at my shoes avoiding eye contact.

She's scary 🥺

"Keep playing with me you never gone get your dick sucked again and I don't remember me per se what you call gagging on your dick," she said coming up to my ear close in my personal space resting my hands on my lower chest.

"I don't have a gag reflect Papi," she said in my ear hitting on it then pulling away, backing up winking at me. Still backing up as turns around as she struts out the kitchen like nothing happened.

That explains why she the ultimate soul snatcher. Bitch had me shaking and screaming like a slut. Lemme not call her a bitch before she hears me. I swear she and my dad have hearing powers ong. I bet she can even hear my thoughts.

"What you silly ass still standing here for bro looking stuck ass fuck, tree head ass, ugly head ass, bobble head ass." amber says entering the kitchen with another bowl for me to clean.

I now just realize that I'm standing in the same place she left me but it's like I couldn't move her presence left me there.

"Wow I thought you'd never stop fucking with ugly ass Tasha," she says laughing.

"Amber how did u even get here bro, " I say laughing at her stupid ass.

"My momma threw it back and my daddy caught it like a real nigga." she said smiling.

What wrong with this kid? Is it broken? Can I get a new one?

"Yo STFU you clown nigga I'm serious how did u get back from assassin school so early."

"Oh that I just bodied every nigga in that bih in everything and every subject so they basically told me I graduated cause I was so advanced." she says like its nothing.

"That's how I learned about your little friend over there, I had to choose a famous assassin for a project, why not chose the best right? I had to study and learn about their skill. Where I fucked up is that SHE HAS EVERY FUCKING SKILL. But I still wanted to push myself so I did it and I guess everything I learned about her never slipped my mind."

"But it's strange cause I never saw anything about her retiring. Yk u better watch yourself cause she "was" really good at her job and there a possibility that you could have a target on your back. You may be her next hit and she may be here to end you."

"But I can tell that cold-hearted, ruthless, trust no one, my way or the high way bad ass bitch that I read about is not the girl up those stairs. Your changing her. Don't get me wrong she still a bad mother fucka, but she got something for you I can tell and it seems to me that it's making her soft and that's making her frustrated so she trying to push you away but she's failing dramatically."

"Tell you what if she is here to kill you, she won't do it. She couldn't bring herself to hurt you even if she tried but what do I know I'm just a kid." she says look up at me smiling popping a piece of popcorn in her mouth while her feet dangle from the counter.

"Ok whatever you say little girl." I say smileing back at her. Lowkey all that shit she said had me shook but I wasn't gonna show her that. If I did it was gonna feed her bug ass ego.

"Guess what dad told me." she says smiling some more.

"What nigga" This is literary our relationship this girl is like my best friend while being my sister and boy was si happy when she told me she liked girls.

"He said I can go to a regular highschool for my seinor year," she said smiling hard as because Ik she's excited about this. She's a freshman.

See amber was raised as a killer just like me but by the Time she was born, my father realised raising his kids to be paranoid wasn't the best idea hence my behavior.

He saw that I wasnt good at relationships because of this. So basically I was raised heartless while my father tried different approach with amber.

Amber has a heart, she is really good at balanceing her killer instinct and her heart while I'm just all killer instinct of course before ash came around.

As soon as she came into my life it's like I start caring about her well being.

Moral of all this is that amber wants to go a regular high school for her senior year because she wants to meet people that isn't either, crazy, a drug dealer, or a killer.

She wants some normal friends because it's hard to make friends at a school where everybody is competing especially being my sister and my father daughter people are intimidated.

"Thats great u gone get you a little girlfriend."

"Hell yeah those fem bitches at assain school is mad crazy."

"Yo whatever amber, but when you do u gotta let them know that your an assassin and all the other shit u do."

"Yeah yeah yeah whatever nigga also I think I am do school down in Detroit."


"Yeah I heard they got all the pretty honeys down there."

"Your a dog bro" I said laughing at her stupid ass.

"Naw bro you a dog ash just got you on a tight ass leash.".

"Man she don't got me on no fucking leash I get all the ho-"

"Bonnie Elizabeth Hernandez I will come down there and beat the living shit out of you if u try my life like that again." ash says screaming from upstairs.

Damn the government. Instant chills run through my body. Yup, I definitely fucking her tonight for that one.

"Im sorry mama's." I yell back frightened by her threat.

Amber just starts dying from laughter. I screw face the shit out of her.


I pick up a empty water bottle and through it at her head.

It hit her and she instantly stops laughing.

"Owww what the fuck" she says rubbing her head.

"Amber did she just hurt you." ash says coming from out of no where a painting in the kitchen.

"Yes clybear" amber says poking out her lip making puppy eyes. They've grown really close over the past 3 weeks. Ash just likes to baby her.

"Aww you poor baby come here" she says walking up to her and picking her up.

Amber wraps her long ass legs around her neck resting her head on her shoulder.

How is this even happening bro amber is tall and cly is like a fucking midget.

"Bonnie you should be ashamed of yourself hitting your sister. I hope you know I'm not sleeping with you for a week," she says turning around walking away still holding amber.

When amber is facing me she sticks her tongue out and her middle finger up as they exit the kitchen. Badass kid.

"Fine ill just fuck one of my hoes."

"Dont end up a corpse bonnie u know I don't hesitate."

Everytime she threatens me it's sexy. Everything she says is so fucking sexy. This girl gone be the death of me

Narrator POV:

Literally 😉
Hey y'all 💫✨😝 I appreciate the love and shot I fuck wit y'all ❤️ peace out how 💅🏾🔫💕

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