I can't function ✨

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Bonnie POV:

My senses go out for a second.

Driving to the location I can't hear anything.

My hearing is muffled police sirens in the distance but I don't care cause I have to get their in time.

In that moment I can't feel. I can't feel the tears coming out my eyes.

I can't feel how hard I'm gripping tho steering wheel.

The only thing I can feel is regret.

I was once a women who regretted nothing in life. I had no remorse no love no one that I really cared about.

Now look at me with everything to loose over some lousy bitch with mediocre pussy.

Before I met my Queen I was lost unworthy of anything.

Didn't trust no one. She changed me and she basically crafted who I am today.

Before her I had no emotion. I treated women like dogs and pets. I had never loved or cried or even made love to anyone.

I wasn't human before I met her. I wasn't anything. I hurt the women I love and now she knows I hurt her.

I am either going to be dead or depressed after this. She trusted me. I took a broken girl made her feel lived and in the process she healed me as well teaching me many things.

Love, hurt, grief and sympathy.

That Same broken girl I fell in love with turned out to be the funniest most goofiest freakiest and beautiful girl I've ever met.

She made me a different kind of happy. One that you wish last forever.

I think it could've last forever if I wasn't as dumb and stupid and worthless as I am.

I took a broken girl fixed her and made her love me then ended up shattering her again into pieces again.

Shell never live me again. She'll never trust me again. Shell never trust anyone.

I broke the girl who fixed me and made me love again. I broke the girl that was supposed to be my wife.

I broke the girl that was supposed to have my kid.

I never thought it would come to this.

Pulling up to the clinic I get breath to prepare myself for whatever is about to happen.

My vision becomes less blurry and I see Ashley walking towards her car face still stained with tears.

Looking into her eyes I see nothing.

I see nothing but that broken girl.

What have I done to my little gangsta. What happened to her she used to be so dull.

Lifeless even. The first moment I looked into her eyes I saw nothing and even if I didn't know it I vow that she's would never look or feel lifeless and unloved ever again.

And look where we are. My wife just possibly killed our unborn child because ofny unruly and stupid mistakes.

I jump out the car and start sprinting towards her.


She keeps walking.


Still walking but a little bit faster.

"Ashley I know you hear me,"  I say this finally reaching her and turning her around. 

I wasn't ready for the look she had on her face.

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