Teddy's AC ✨

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Y'all will know what ac stand for at the end of the chapter. 👀🙌🏾

A week later.....

Ash POV:

I stare at that pregnancy test for the third time this week. Bonnies is out doing god knows what so it's ok I won't get caught.

God what am I gonna tell Bonnie.

I'm sure whatever it is it's gonna act just like Bonnie. She's gonna love this child so much I can feel it.

But then again I don't want to leave the game.

Bonnie is gonna make me leave. She won't let me do shit by myself once she finds out our child is growing in my stomach.


Nays contact slides across my screen.

I answer immediately.

"Hello" I say holding up the phone to my ear.

"What are you hiding Ashley."

"I'm not hiding anything."

"Cly I know when your hiding something now stop fucking with me and tell me what's up with you." She said aggressive.

"I'm pregnant." I whispered hoping she wouldn't hear me.

"YOUR WHAT GIRL." She screams into the phone scaring the shit out of me.

"I said I was pregnant bitch calm down."

"Omg yessss does Bonnie know yet." She said.

I could tell that she was jumping up and down hit by the tone of her voice.

"No she's gonna make me quick the game if she finds out."

"Tbh I kinda want you to quit the game to"


"Your pregnant and now You have to make decisions best for you and your kid.I don't need people tryna harm my god son or daughter. U really need to give that shit up.

"I get that man but I-"

My words are cut off by the door bell being rung.

"Hold on girl"

I drop the pregnancy test on the bed then sprint down stairs and get to the door to see who it is.

To my surprise when I opened it there was no one there but a brown box with no return address was sitting at my door step.

I carried the box all the way upstairs and sat it on the bed picking up the phone again.

"Who was it."

"It was nobody just some box im about to open it now."

I begin opening the box that was practically half empty cause it was really light.

I pick up the thin pieces of paper in the box and bring them to light.

Tears begin coming out of my eyes unwillingly.

I drop the phone on the bed not caring where it landed.

The pieces of paper displayed Bonnie having sex with the girl ace cheated on me with.

This really can't be happening right now.

I examine each picture Bonnie had on different shirts and different boxers in what about 50 pictures.

That means she slept with that girl more than once. 

It all started to make sense and come together.

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