A run for my money

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Bonnie POV:

"Yo get the fuck out of my house Tasha!" I yelled at this hoe that got me all the way fucked up.

"No I'm not leaving until u say it back!" She yelled like she don't know who the fuck I am.

"Say what back cause I know yo ass don't think I love you." I say chuckling a bit cause she really think I love her.

"Wtf Bonnie you been fucking with me for a whole year and your ass still not ready for a relationship."

"Correction I haven't been fucking with you for I've been fucking you lemme ask u a question Tasha have I ever bought you anything?" I say taking a step towards her.

She looks down silently and shakes her head.

"Have I ever went out with you in public?" I say getting louder.

She shakes her head again still not look at me.

" Have We ever hung out without fucking?"



"No" she says quietly

" speak up Tasha" I say yelling with venom in my voice


"SO WHY THE FUCK DID YOU THINK THAT I WANTED YOUR ASS." I saying raising my voice to a much higher level.

"Hell you basically threw the pussy at me in the club you knew fuck well who you were fucking with as soon as u got on your knees and sucked my dick. Now get the fuck out my house with you bullshit and loose my fucking number before I kill your easy ass."

She just runs out crying not that I give a damn cause I don't. I don't have any sympathy or remorse for theses hoes. I don't have sympathy for nobody.

U can't have emotions in this game. I'll never love a bitch ever. Nobody is worthy of my love.

Last person I loved was my momma and that bitch fucked me over too.

Anyways I crawled my way all the way to the top and I built an empire brick by brick and I'll be damned if I let someone tear it down on my watch.

I've been a killer ever since I was a kid. Who can blame me I'm my fathers Child. My father loved me and my mom only now it's just me cause that trick ass hoe tried our lives.

Here's the run down about my identity. My father and mother were expecting a boy but when she had me I turned out to be a intersex girl. My father still wanted to pass the business to me so he hid my identity for my entire life so people wouldn't underestimate me being a girl and all.

Even though I did come out a girl he still never gave me any mercy and basically raised me to be a trained assassin. My shot is deadly and my father is very proud of what I've become.

The only thing he gets on me about is finding love. Oh and here he is coming into my office now.

"Hey Princess"

"Hi dad" I say rolling my eyes because I know he bout to start talking me getting a girlfriend. Oh and my dad loves the fact that I'm gag and a stud he just happy he don't have to shoot no nigga.😂

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