Happy birthday cly ✨

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Ash POV:

August 20 5:00......

Today is my birthday. I haven't told bonnie yet cause I don't want any presents or anything.

I don't like my birthday. Scratch that I hate it.

It reminds me of my childhood and and parents. I loved them but the birthdays I spent with out them I cried and prayed they would somehow give me a special sprinkle cake.

When I lost my parents I lost everything.

I lost myself my dignity my happiness. My every thing.

Ever had something then have it vanish the next day. I had no one to hold me during the nightmares about the evil man's dragging my parents of my house while I hid in the closet.

They were everything to me. I hate my birthday. I don't want presents.

Bonnie always tryna spoil someone. The other day she picked up some expensive ass baby clothes and I asked her what we need it for and she gone say when you have my kids.

I replied with Im not having shit. She just rolled her eyes and said yeah.

She told me I was gone be her baby mama so i would be stuck with for ever. The girl is a fool.

Little does she know I been stop taking my pills. She used to always talk bout having a kid with me and now I think I'm ready.

I'm about to get a pregnancy test and take it without her knowing because I want to surprise her.

5 hours later.......

Here's the moment of truth.

I gently turn over the three sticks anticipation.

What read on that stick could chagr my life.

All three sticks read positive.

I drop to my knees and begin to cry. My sobs fill the bathroom. Tears of joys seep from my eyes onto my shirt.

I can't believe it I gonna have a baby by the love of my life.

Bonnie's gonna be so happy. What am I going to say to her? What am I going to do?

Lord hold me please.

The knob begins to turn but is stopped because the door is locked.

Bagging on the door rings through he bathroom.

"Ashley open this door right now." she sounds angry what have I possibly done now.

I quickly hide the test in my secret compartment under the sink and go to open the door to an upset Bonnie.

"Ashley why did nay and tez just call told me to tell you happy birthday." bonnie say backing me into a wall.

"I-i didn't want to celebrate." I say cause she's being scary. When did I become a bitch.

"Baby you know I would have went all out if  knew it was your birthday." she said in a whiny tone.

"Thats exactly why I didn't tell u bonnie."

"Dont worry I still manged to do shit last minute."

I groan and roll my eyes at her.

She just looks at me with a facial expressions mixed with lust and anger.

"Did u just roll your eyes at me."

"Yes the fuck I did bi-" I'm cut off by her gripping me by my neck making me look at her.

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