Ruin her life

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3 days later........

Ash POV:

Me and Bonnie just landed in Detroit and this girl was getting on my damn nerves that entire flight.

We took her private jet and there are a bout five rooms and beds in that bih but nooo her ass was cuddled up right next to me the whole time.

She frl a big ass baby on the inside. I loved cuddling her. I'm not used to affection and everyone that knows me I don't really tolerate it.

So every-time Bonnie wants to get close and touchy the usual me would push her away and then deck her in her shit for trying to show me unwanted affection.

But I can't help but embrace her when she snuggles up next to me. I've found myself loving the feeling of being near her.

The affection she gives me is the affection that I've craved for so many years. It's addictive.

I can't push her away she different. Idk why but she's different. Idk what I would do if I lost her.

"What you thinking about cly?" bonnie says catching my attention smiling at me while we ride in the limo.

Also the nickname cly, It's starting to grow on me. I'm getting used to it. I wonder why they are calling me that. Ever since amber told me that was my nickname, that's all Mr.Hernandez and amber calls me. All the staff calls me coy.

Bonnie with occasionally call me cly but she love calling me Ashley. I think she only does it cause she know I don't like that girly ass shit.

"Nothing just a little nervous about you meeting nay and tez." I mean I didn't lie I am really nervous about her meeting the only other people I care about.

She placed her hand on my thigh rubbing it gently.

"Everything will go fine baby bear." She says softly still caressing my thigh. See this is why I love her she just know how to calm me down.

Love her? I know I didn't just say I loved her. Do I love her? What does love even feel like.
Is love that tingly feeling I get whenever Bonnies around.

I think I loved ace but she's long gone in the past. My first and only girlfriend. She was also a stud. She was crazy and I think that's why I liked her. Something about her craziness drew me to her.

She's an assassin as well and she works at venom too.  Her specialty is knife play. She's one of the reasons I'm so good wit daggers and other creative knives. Also the reason for my knife kink.

She told me the one day we where going to rule the world together. That was until I found out she was sleeping with one of the more feminine assassins in our corporation.

Nay convinced Me to spare her life and boy was she thankful. I wasn't kidding when I said I had a reputation. That was about a year ago.

Ace fucked up bad losing me and it hit her hard. She called me everyday for a month through multiple numbers. She showed up at my house. Followed me around even went to the point to threaten to hurt nay if I didn't get back with her.

I had to blow up her car for that threat but what can I say she knew exactly who she was fucking with from day one.

When I found out it hurt me but I couldn't show that. So I put all my feeling to the back of my head and got a tattoo that said Dtb 4 life.

Only person that has ever seen me cry is nay and tea. Now it's nay tez and bonnie. Idk why but I just feel so secure when Im with her.

It's unexplainable. This feeling that I get when ever she looks at me or touches me. It's unexplainable.

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