This feels right ✨

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Ash POV:

I open my eyes and I squint them because it's really bright.

"Oh, shit," Tony says before she starts frantically pressing a button.

I wonder what I'm doing here. Where am I? Wheres ace at?

Nurses come rushing in and so do tez and nay.

The nurse begins to check my temperature and write down stuff talking to me telling me what happened.

After the nurse leaves they are looking at me waiting for me to speak.

Before I could a stud with hickeys all over her neck comes rushing into the room. She truly gorgeous and for some reason feel I have a connection with her.

She stops when she sees me looking at her. Her face softens. She has such pretty brown eyes.

She then approaches me and goes to put her hand on my cheek but I stop her.

"Don't touch my face," I say making her love her hand back.

Everybody is watching our interaction.

"How are u feeling cly."

Did this bi- who the hell is cly bro.

"My name is ash who is cly."

"Ashley cmon quit playing." She said like we were friends or some shit.

I don't know you nigga 😂

"I said my fucking name is ash, Tez why does this bitch think she can call me my government. That suicide bro"

Everybody just looks at me including the stud.

"Why are y'all all looking at me."

They all just look stuck and ashamed.

"She doesn't remember me." The stud says while her eyes start to water.

"Why are u about to cry, why is this random ass bitch about to cry," I say looking at tez tony and nay.

They all just look as if they want to cry too. They don't answer.

"Can someone please tell me what's going on?"

"Nothing sorry for disturbing you I should be leaving." This girl says to exit the room tears falling from her eyes.

For some reason seeing her cry hurt my heart. And it's crazy because I don't have emotions like that but for some reason, my heart started to ache when she was about to leave.

"Bonnie wait," nay said trying to grab her arm.

"No it's ok she needs space rn I get it ." She says before leaving and closing the door.

As soon as she left everybody was just silent.

"Can someone please sit down and tell me who that was and why she was upset."

Tony sighed before she began.

"That was Bonnie Hernandez. Drug cartel owner. You had got a job as her assistant. Your both cold-hearted killer with no one to love and trusted little to nobody. You Guys lived in the same house together in Atlanta. As hard as y'all tried y'all couldn't stay away from each other. Ended up sleeping with each other and overall falling in love. She came down here with you for business because u guys were attached at the hip. You loved her so much that you didn't kill her when she calls you your government because you liked how it rolled off her tongue. She had you through everything. A true ride or die bitch. Even rejected me when we met 3 weeks ago. She made u happy, had you going crazy over her. And she felt the same way. She changed you in ways we thought would never happen. That girl that just walked out that door would take a bullet for you any day of the week. She came to visit you every day you were here. She sat in that chair and talked to you while you were sleeping. That was your girl ash."

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